Elissa Campbell
Geriatrician & #PalliativeCare physician. @PallCareWA President. @palliverse co-founder. 2020 Churchill Fellow. Views my own
ID: 854911448
https://www.churchilltrust.com.au/fellow/elissa-campbell-wa-2020/ 30-09-2012 15:43:13
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The British Geriatrics Society Frailty e-learning is available for FREE if you sign up by 30th June! This course is suitable for any health and social care professional who provides care and services for older people living with or at risk of frailty. Sign up here: rb.gy/4thf79 #Frailty
The other DJ Andy C Andrew Clegg setting a high bar for future plenary speakers #ANZSGM2024
This #NCPW2024 learn more about the national consensus statement on #EndofLifeCare and the importance of #palliativecare. It describes the best practice approach that health services and professionals can provide at end of life. safetyandquality.gov.au/EOL-care Palliative Care Australia
#AdvanceCarePlanning and shared goals of care for frail older people take the stage in the final plenary session at #ANZSGM2024, asking “What Matters Most?”. Ties nicely with the #NPCW2024 theme back in Australia this week - #MattersOfTheHeart Palliative Care Australia
All older people will die. Huge increase in deaths in older people, especially 85+ & 95+, projected as people live longer - Palliative Care Specialist Kate Grundy #ANZSGM2024
“Listen before we talk” - key to shared goals of care discussions Kate Grundy #anzsgm2024
“Hope for the best and plan for the rest” - it’s much better language than “plan for the worst”, says Kate Grundy Great to see Hsien Seow Samantha Winemaker she/her work shared at #ANZSGM2024 PS you should check out their excellent Waiting Room Revolution podcast
Honoured to share some of our Institute for Musculoskeletal Health Physical Activity Ageing and Disability team’s work testing digital health interventions at the fabulous #anzsgm2024. I’ll put links to some papers below. We are keen to collaborate on #implementation in health and community services.