Elise Kronquist
ID: 1659648619920904192
19-05-2023 19:54:11
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First day of Western Thoracic Surgical Association’s 50th conference; we’re so excited to be presenting our work and representing OHSU Department of Surgery & OHSU School of Medicine! Grateful for our support from our mentor Castigliano M Bhamidipati, DO PhD MSc FACS FACC
Honored to present at the inaugural Rapid Fire session at the 50th annual WTSA in Vail! Enjoyed discussion about our updated forecast of the cardiothoracic surgery workforce gap Castigliano M Bhamidipati, DO PhD MSc FACS FACC
Honored to have the opportunity to share my work at Western Thoracic Surgical Association #WTSAis50
Grateful for the opportunity to share my work at Western Thoracic Surgical Association! #WTSA2024