Eli Blackbourne
@EPW_2k | The Salem Sociopath. Your Shepherd. A monument to all your sins.
ID: 1756447823531286529
10-02-2024 22:39:51
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Judgement shall be cast. Suffering will be administered. Pain will be returned. A Dead End has arrived for Damian Payne and his pathetic attempts to take My World from me. It shall be addressed on Detonation. My World will heed my words, for I am a man of my word. Extreme Pro Wrestling

This Saturday, at Extreme Pro Wrestling Dead End… Damian Payne dies. .- -. -.. / .. / ..-. .. -. -.. / --- ..- - / .-- .... --- / -.-- --- ..- / .- .-. . .-.-.-

My antithesis wounded yet again. The world heals as a heart breaks. Victim of a hunter deep below. I am a fan, Jack Shark. Please, continue your good work. Jack Shark