Elizabeth K. Weidman
ID: 1042600678965825536
20-09-2018 02:25:47
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One week left for #ASNR23 abstracts! Submit an abstract now & join us in Chicago or virtually, April 29-May 3, to present the best scientific research in #Neuroradiology! Don't wait! You must submit by November 15: ow.ly/3eOU50KPA4x #Neurorad #RadRes #MedEd George Vilanilam

ONE HOUR TO GO!!! International Pediatric Neuroradiology Teaching Network Session V: Contemporary Masters Chapter XII: Dr. V. Michelle Silvera Vision September 7, 2024 Michelle Silvera David Mirsky Mark Mamlouk Rebekah Clarke Dr Kish Mankad Elizabeth K. Weidman #pedineurorad #IPNTN #pedrad

Don't miss the WEBOF fracture! Easily missed trapdoor fracture in children with lack of external signs of trauma. Early recognition is important for timely surgery. Michelle Silvera Mark Mamlouk David Mirsky Rebekah Clarke Elizabeth K. Weidman Dr Kish Mankad #pedineurorad #IPNTN #pedrad #ASPNR

Don't miss these signs of globe rupture! Scrutinize the anterior chamber for subtle increase or decrease in size, which can both indicate globe injury. Michelle Silvera Mark Mamlouk David Mirsky Rebekah Clarke Elizabeth K. Weidman Dr Kish Mankad #pedineurorad #IPNTN #pedrad #ASPNR