石橋英子のTwitterです。*ライブなどのオファーはHPのcontactからどうぞ*eikoishibashi.bandcamp.com ※international booking→ frontporchproductions.org
ID: 434913402
http://www.eikoishibashi.net/ 12-12-2011 13:25:42
9,9K Tweet
1,1K Following

“A profound masterpiece made all the more entrancing by its score. “ —Pitchfork Join us Sunday 2220 Arts + Archives as Japanese composer eikoishibashi performs a special suite of songs from her Oscar-nominated score for DRIVE MY CAR! 🚗 Tickets running low! 🎟️: link.dice.fm/u83b2e3e6946

久々にバンド編成でミニツアーします! 新曲もやります!Kotokoさんとの対バンも楽しみです。 朝霧JAM’24 10/12(sat) at 富士山麓 朝霧アリーナ MOONSHINE STAGE 19:40-20:25 ASAGIRI JAM - 朝霧JAM NAGOYA CLUB QUATTRO 35th Anniversary”rendezvous” Extra 2024年10月14日(月祝) 会場:名古屋CLUB QUATTRO

![イープラス[ライブ] (@eplus_live) 's Twitter Profile Photo イープラス[ライブ] (@eplus_live) 's Twitter Profile Photo](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1768474562210172928/HtLWY1vb_200x200.jpg)

Eiko Ishibashi eikoishibashi clôturera le concert de 19h30 vendredi 1er Novembre prochain au Studio 104 de la Maison de la Radio et de la Musique dans le cadre du festival PRÉSENCES électronique 20 ANS ! INA grm Toutes infos 👇 maisondelaradioetdelamusique.fr/tag/presences-…

.Festival Semibreve has added a final wave of specially commissioned sound works to the programme for its upcoming 2024 edition, with works. by Jim O’Rourke and Keith Fullerton Whitman amongst the additions buff.ly/4h1OtMq

Nov 5th: The Clapham Grand GIFT: Live score by eikoishibashi Film by: Ryusuke Hamaguchi + support from Klara Lewis Tickets: dice.fm/event/bbl6pg-g…