Niels Eijkelkamp
Pain scientist | UMCU | CTI | understanding chronic pain | neuroimmunology of pain
ID: 1095718610398531591
13-02-2019 16:17:28
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🆕 NLRP3 #inflammasome activation in sensory neurons promotes chronic inflammatory & #osteoarthritis pain PatrĂcia Silva Santos Ribeiro Niels Eijkelkamp et al. indicate that targeting NLRP3 may open doors to improved #Chronicpain management 👉 @CTI_umcutrecht @IenI_umcutrecht
New work by Hanneke Willemen in @cellrepmed. Great team effort! Mitochondrial/metabolic disturbances in sensory neurons predispose to failing resolution of inflammatory #pain. NR supplementation alleviates persistent inflammatory pain. Center for Translational Immunology…
Research at Center for Translational Immunology in Cell Reports Medicine has found that mitochondrial/metabolic disturbances in sensory neurons predispose to failing resolution of inflammatory #pain. Nicotinamide riboside supplementation may alleviate persistent inflammatory pain 👉
A nice coverage of our recent publication in Cell Reports Medicine by Grace Wade in New Scientist.…
WORK!!! At Center for Translational Immunology we offer a PhD position to investigate the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and help building a Dutch pediatric ME/CFS cohort. More info here: (Closes Dec. 14)
New work by Christian Martin in BrainBehavImm! Earlier we identified that dorsal root ganglia macrophages maintain pain in osteoarthritis. But what drives the accumulation and their pro-algesic function? CXCL11 & Mysostatin! Center for Translational Immunology. Read more at:…
.Harald Lund, Matt Hunt, Zerina Kurtovic, Camilla Svensson et al. provide a molecular explanation for the permeability of the blood–DRG barrier and identify an unappreciated role of #macrophages as integral components of the DRG-neurovascular unit. #InnateImmunity
From acute to chronic: #NLRP3 inflammasome's role in #pain evolution PatrĂcia Silva Santos Ribeiro Niels Eijkelkamp et al. report intriguing findings on the role of mitochondrial dysfunction & NLRP3 #inflammasome activation in the transition from acute to persistent pain 👉
#ChronicPain in rheumatic diseases: #NLRP3 inflammasome takes centre stage This study from PatrĂcia Silva Santos Ribeiro Niels Eijkelkamp et al. explores the link between sensory neuron #inflammasome activation & persistent inflammatory & #osteoarthritis pain Read here:
At Center for Translational Immunology we offer a PhD position within the EU-funded Innovative Training Network BonePain3 ( Are you interested in neuro-immunology and research on mechanisms and treatment of osteoarthritis pain, apply here:
We have 2 new PhD student vancancies funded by the EU! You will be part of the BonepainIII consortium ( Enthousiastic to work on Bonepain in our group and happy to move to the Netherlands: check it out!……
🗓️📣 Kom jij het NMCB team versterken als verpleegkundige? Solliciteren kan nog t/m 30 maart! ➡️ We zoeken een ervaren BIG-geregistreerde verpleegkundige om het includeren van patiënten in het cohort en de biobank uit te voeren en te coördineren. 👉…
Preprint of supercool #teamscience UMC Utrecht Amsterdam UMC. With Jeroen den Dunnen Hung-Jen Chen (Oliver), MD. PhD. NerD. Hanneke Willemen and many more: evidence autoimmunity may cause part of #longcovid symptoms. But still much more figure out! Big 👍 for funders: Stichting Long COVID ZonMw…