The eDNA Society
Multi-disciplinary society for all those interested in environmental DNA science
ID: 1631228682256908289
https://ednasociety.org/en 02-03-2023 09:43:37
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Thank you again for your participation. Our meeting report for #edna2023japan is out. The eDNA Society onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ed…

🗣️📢 Fully funded PhD position in my lab @LeidenUniversity (salary €40- 50k/year)! Interested in eco-evo eDNA applications and being at the frontier of eDNA development? Application close on October 19th. RT widely #eDNA community...don't let me down universiteitleiden.nl/vacatures/2023…

#geobonconf2023 session on #eDNA standardisation continues today. Join us in the intern. salon I. More terrestrial, marine, freshwater showcases today, upscaling, visionary solutions GEO BON Mehrdad Hajibabaei DominikBuchner The eDNA Society Cathryn Abbott eDNAtec SimplexDNA 🧬🌍

🧬Happy to announce that after the great #GeoBonConf2023 GEO BON we invite submissions to special issue📕MBMG Journal „Towards standardized molecular biodiversity monitoring“ edited by Teresita Porter @[email protected] Kelly Goodwin - NOAA Federal Tiina Laamanen John Darling, Toshifumi Minamoto The eDNA Society RT 🙏