The eDNA Society (@edna_society) 's Twitter Profile
The eDNA Society


Multi-disciplinary society for all those interested in environmental DNA science

ID: 1631228682256908289

link calendar_today02-03-2023 09:43:37

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The eDNA Society (@edna_society) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The 6th annual meeting of the eDNA Society will take place in Fukuoka during 2nd to 5th December 2023 in a bilingual setting.…

The eDNA Society (@edna_society) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Registration is now open for the 6th Annual Meeting of The eDNA Society. Join us in Fukuoka this December!… #edna2023fukuoka

Florian Altermatt (@altermatt_lab) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Coffee break? ☕ fill in our 5' #eDNA survey! –>… What do you think of #eDNA #sampling #biomonitoring #primers #reference #databases #quantification #ecology? What 🧬🔬🐟🐜research is needed? What do we already know? Please #RT! #survey #coffeebreak

Coffee break? ☕ fill in our 5' #eDNA survey! 


What do you think of #eDNA #sampling #biomonitoring #primers #reference #databases #quantification #ecology?

What 🧬🔬🐟🐜research is needed? What do we already know?

Please #RT! 

#survey #coffeebreak
Dr. Kathryn Stewart💧🧬 (@kat_a_stewart) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🗣️📢 Fully funded PhD position in my lab @LeidenUniversity (salary €40- 50k/year)! Interested in eco-evo eDNA applications and being at the frontier of eDNA development? Application close on October 19th. RT widely #eDNA community...don't let me down…

The eDNA Society (@edna_society) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The abstract submission deadline for our December meeting in Fukuoka is September 30 JST. We look forward to your participation! 第6回環境DNA学会(12月2-5日, 福岡) の発表申込み&要旨登録期限が9月30日23:59に迫っています。皆さんのご参加をお待ちしております。…

Florian Leese (@leeselab) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#geobonconf2023 session on #eDNA standardisation continues today. Join us in the intern. salon I. More terrestrial, marine, freshwater showcases today, upscaling, visionary solutions GEO BON Mehrdad Hajibabaei DominikBuchner The eDNA Society Cathryn Abbott eDNAtec SimplexDNA 🧬🌍

#geobonconf2023 session on #eDNA standardisation continues today. Join us in the intern. salon I. More terrestrial, marine, freshwater showcases today, upscaling, visionary solutions <a href="/GEOBON_org/">GEO BON</a> <a href="/M_Hajibabaei/">Mehrdad Hajibabaei</a> <a href="/buchner_dominik/">DominikBuchner</a> <a href="/eDNA_Society/">The eDNA Society</a> <a href="/CathrynLAbbott/">Cathryn Abbott</a> <a href="/ednatecinc/">eDNAtec</a> <a href="/SimplexDNA/">SimplexDNA 🧬🌍</a>
Florian Leese (@leeselab) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🧬Happy to announce that after the great #GeoBonConf2023 GEO BON we invite submissions to special issue📕MBMG Journal „Towards standardized molecular biodiversity monitoring“ edited by Teresita Porter @[email protected] Kelly Goodwin - NOAA Federal Tiina Laamanen John Darling, Toshifumi Minamoto The eDNA Society RT 🙏

🧬Happy to announce that after the great #GeoBonConf2023 <a href="/GEOBON_org/">GEO BON</a> we invite submissions to special issue📕<a href="/MBMGjournal/">MBMG Journal</a> „Towards standardized molecular biodiversity monitoring“ edited by <a href="/DNAdataPhile/">Teresita Porter</a> <a href="/KdgNoaa/">Kelly Goodwin - NOAA Federal</a> <a href="/Tiina_Laamanen/">Tiina Laamanen</a> John Darling, Toshifumi Minamoto <a href="/eDNA_Society/">The eDNA Society</a> RT 🙏
The eDNA Society (@edna_society) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Beyond life: Louis Bernatchez's (1960–2023) enduring legacy on molecular ecology, conservation, and the science of environmental DNA…

The eDNA Society (@edna_society) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The pre-annual meeting symposium attracted diverse participants, from researchers to young students. 📸 Dr. Miya shared his research journey. #edna2023fukuoka #MiFish

The pre-annual meeting symposium attracted diverse participants, from researchers to young students.
📸 Dr. Miya shared his research journey. #edna2023fukuoka #MiFish
The eDNA Society (@edna_society) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The second day: Delving into the core fundamentals, exploring diverse applications, and paving the way for effective implementation. #edna2023kyushu

The second day: Delving into the core fundamentals, exploring diverse applications, and paving the way for effective implementation. #edna2023kyushu
The eDNA Society (@edna_society) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Best Poster Awards go to these three researchers: from the second left, Tomoharu Hino (Junshin HS) for eDNA survey of an endangered aquatic insect, Aoba Ito (Tohoku Univ) for eDNA and Bayesian modeling, and Mika Gunji (Nippon Koei) for a passive eDNA sampler. #edna2023kyushu

Best Poster Awards go to these three researchers: from the second left, Tomoharu Hino (Junshin HS) for eDNA survey of an endangered aquatic insect, Aoba Ito (Tohoku Univ) for eDNA and Bayesian modeling, and Mika Gunji (Nippon Koei) for a passive eDNA sampler. #edna2023kyushu
The eDNA Society (@edna_society) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Grateful for the insightful discussions and collaborations at this annual meeting! Looking forward to building on these connections at the next gathering in autumn around the Metropolitan area, possibly in Tokyo or Tsukuba. Stay tuned for forthcoming details. #edna2023kyushu

Grateful for the insightful discussions and collaborations at this annual meeting! Looking forward to building on these connections at the next gathering in autumn around the Metropolitan area, possibly in Tokyo or Tsukuba. Stay tuned for forthcoming details. #edna2023kyushu
The eDNA Society (@edna_society) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our 7th Annual Meeting is scheduled for Dec 1-4, 2024, in Tsukuba, Japan. Mark your calendars and plan to join us! We'll share more details when they become available. #edna2024tsukuba #edna…

The eDNA Society (@edna_society) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The 6th issue of our newsletter is now available! While the latest issue is exclusive to the Society members, everyone can explore past issues here:…. Each issue features our members' research at glance and highlights our annual activities. #edna

SeDNAs (@sednasociety) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Exciting News!!! The Southern eDNA Society is now open for membership! Become a member here: Benefits include: 🔹 Discounted fees for our 2025 conference in Wellington, NZ 🔹 15% off publication fees 🔹 Regular newsletters #eDNA #environmentalDNA

The eDNA Society (@edna_society) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The meeting website for our 7th annual meeting is now open! Visit: Registration and abstract submission will open on September 1, 2024. #edna2024tsukuba #edna

The eDNA Society (@edna_society) 's Twitter Profile Photo


The eDNA Society (@edna_society) 's Twitter Profile Photo

第7回環境DNA学会つくば大会の参加受付を開始しました!登録はこちら➡️… Registration for the 7th Annual Meeting in Tsukuba is OPEN!➡️… #edna2024tsukuba #edna