Edda Klipp
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Edda Klipp - Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
ID: 992305583238754305
https://rumo.biologie.hu-berlin.de/tbp/index.php/en/ 04-05-2018 07:31:01
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We are at ICSB 2022 with two posters and one talk. Thanks to the organizers, it was a great conference with many cutting-edge research in systems biology. Nurcan Tuncbag, Şeyma Ünsal Beyge, EnesSefaAyar #ICSB2022
Fantastic talk (as always) from my inspiring supervisor Simon Mitchell, on his birthday! #ICSB2022
It was a lot of fun to experience how vast systems biology is becoming and to share our grain of sand on how we are identifying cancer driver exons in silico at #ICSB2022. Finally, making new friends and meeting old ones in person! Thanks serranoLab for making it possible!
We are so proud of Eumin, the recipient of the #ICSB2022 and Mol Syst Biol poster award. Check his work doi.org/10.1098/rsfs.2… at Royal Society Publishing
I was an exciting scientific, social and parenting experience at #ICSB2022 😅 Nadine Töpfer. Lots of new ideas and contacts. Now the turtles swim home. #SysBio #PlantSci #AcademicFamily
Ein zur #ICSB2022 eingeladener Redner aus Indien bekam erst gar kein Visum (trotz 9 Wochen Vorlauf, Einladungsschreiben etc). Traurige Arroganz gegenüber unseren Partnern. Auswärtiges Amt
An international research team – led by Poul Nissen🇩🇰🇺🇦 and poul henning jensen from DANDRITE – has now demonstrated that natural aSN is an important activator of an essential calcium pump in the cell membrane. tinyurl.com/y2bpuvn7 Published in the The EMBO Journal embopress.org/doi/full/10.15…