EcoSpat group
Leader: Antoine GuisanㅣLab Manager: Olivier Broennimannㅣ#GuisanGroupㅣSpatial Ecology group @unilㅣSwitzerlandㅣrechalp.unil.chㅣunil.ch/hsdm ㅣTweets: @microbiolul
ID: 839527468381913088
http://www.unil.ch/ecospat/ 08-03-2017 17:25:20
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Check our latest contribution showing that genetic diversity is essential to preserving #biodiversity, allowing animals and plants to adapt to global warming. A call to increase monitoring programs ! Just out in NatureEcoEvo nature.com/articles/s4155…

If you want to know to what extent we can predict bryophyte and tracheophyte community composition at fine spatial scale, please have a look on our new paper in Science of the Total Environment: doi.org/10.1016/j.scit…

🚨New paper ! If you’re into mosses and vascular plants and want to know how well we can predict their community composition, have a read ! Flavien Collart sciencedirect.com/science/articl…

📒#Fieldnote #data collection meets #outreach - Lucie Malard Lucie Malard SPI grant beneficiary & researcher Université de Lausanne writes about her team Rebecca McCerery & David Pearce passing through the Northwest Passage and mapping microbial life in Arctic skies: 👁️swisspolar.ch/2024/07/journe…

🚨New paper Alert ! If you're into Conservation of species and NCPs, this is for you ! 👇 doi.org/10.1016/j.bioc… Rey Pierre-Louis

Our Grime review "Incorporating effects of habitat patches into species distribution models" is out in Journal of Ecology besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.11…. w/ Antoine Guisan EcoSpat group Lenore Fahrig GLEL Carleton Petr Keil Dr. Alejandra Morán Carmen Galán Acedo et al. 1/n

On the blog🔎 Bringing #habitat patches into the species distribution models world! Federico Riva discusses his work, which is part of our Grime Reviews series on how #SDMs reflect & inform #ecological processes EcoSpat group Petr Keil jecologyblog.com/2024/09/06/bri…