Eco Gecko (@ecogeck) 's Twitter Profile
Eco Gecko


Pedestrianize Clark Street. Lefty urbanism out of the American Midwest.

ID: 1157422752959217665

link calendar_today02-08-2019 22:47:42

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Eco Gecko (@ecogeck) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"How [noun] [verb]ed the [noun]" is an immediate indicator of a junk article for me. Shame to see it on every other piece these days. And why is so much journalism degrading into simply describing the trending section of the author's favorite social media platform, anyways?

Martin Bauer (@martinmbauer) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Didn’t Penn demote Karikó, cut her salary and tried to fire her ? Self-adulation over a Nobel prize but no recognition of the way they treated the ‘historic research team’ when it didn’t seem profitable enough. Turning Universities into businesses was a mistake