Emerson Journalism (@ecjrn) 's Twitter Profile
Emerson Journalism


Emerson College Department of Journalism is teaching students how to become professional & responsible journalists in a fast moving, 24/7, hypermedia world.

ID: 39878985

linkhttp://www.emerson.edu/journalism/ calendar_today14-05-2009 00:18:19

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Engagement Lab (@engagelab) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Join us on April 26th for the Transforming Narratives of Gun Violence Spring Showcase. We will be showcasing our work for the past semester and celebrating the launch of the website. FREE food and drinks will be provided! Register: eventbrite.com/e/tngv-spring-… Peace Institute MGH Gun Violence Prevention Center

Join us on April 26th for the Transforming Narratives of Gun Violence Spring Showcase. We will be showcasing our work for the past semester and celebrating the launch of the website. FREE food and drinks will be provided! Register: eventbrite.com/e/tngv-spring-… 
<a href="/LDBpeaceInst/">Peace Institute</a> <a href="/MGH_GVPC/">MGH Gun Violence Prevention Center</a>
Susie Armitage (@susarm) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thrilled to be hosting this @fsp_nwu panel next week featuring Ukrainian freelance journalists! Come hear from Julia Kochetova Natalie Gryvnyak Anton Skyba & Alex Guzenko about what it's like covering the war & how we can support freelancers. RSVP here: bit.ly/fspukraine

Thrilled to be hosting this @fsp_nwu panel next week featuring Ukrainian freelance journalists! Come hear from <a href="/yeah_kochetova/">Julia Kochetova</a> <a href="/nataliegryvnyak/">Natalie Gryvnyak</a> <a href="/begemotus_/">Anton Skyba</a> &amp; Alex Guzenko about what it's like covering the war &amp; how we can support freelancers. RSVP here: bit.ly/fspukraine
K a t i e (@katienelson) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Some job openings at Apple News + Weather and climate news curation editor: jobs.apple.com/en-us/details/… + Local news curator (based in Southern Calif.): jobs.apple.com/en-us/details/… + News curator (in app and off-platform): jobs.apple.com/en-us/details/…

Engagement Lab (@engagelab) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The Transforming Narratives of Gun Violence Spring showcase was a huge success yesterday! Thank you for being a part of our big day. It truly means a lot to us. Visit the TNGV website and learn more: transformnarratives.org Emerson College School of Communication Visual & Media Arts Emerson Journalism Peace Institute MGH Gun Violence Prevention Center

The Transforming Narratives of Gun Violence Spring showcase was a huge success yesterday! Thank you for being a part of our big day. It truly means a lot to us. Visit the TNGV website and learn more: transformnarratives.org <a href="/EmersonSOC/">Emerson College School of Communication</a> <a href="/EmersonVMA/">Visual & Media Arts</a> <a href="/ecjrn/">Emerson Journalism</a> <a href="/LDBpeaceInst/">Peace Institute</a> <a href="/MGH_GVPC/">MGH Gun Violence Prevention Center</a>
Tim Riley, author (@timrileyauthor) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I just became a member of Richard Appler because I support #democracy #pressfreedom and The Nobel Prize winner Maria Ressa, You can too. r3.rappler.com/plus Click Join Rappler+. #Princetonians4Maria #HoldTheLine #CourageOn #WorldPressFree-domDay Emerson Journalism Emerson College

I just became a member of <a href="/rappler/">Richard Appler</a> because I support #democracy #pressfreedom and <a href="/NobelPrize/">The Nobel Prize</a> winner <a href="/mariaressa/">Maria Ressa</a>, You can too. r3.rappler.com/plus Click Join Rappler+. #Princetonians4Maria #HoldTheLine #CourageOn #WorldPressFree-domDay <a href="/ecjrn/">Emerson Journalism</a> <a href="/EmersonCollege/">Emerson College</a>
Emerson Journalism (@ecjrn) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Visit Cyberarts Gallery to see Data Para Todes, a project led by prof Lina Maria Giraldo to improve data literacy in Latine communities, which taught HS students to build prototype air quality sensors and visualize the data. Fri–Sun 12pm–6pm until Dec 18. bostoncyberarts.org/data-para-todes

Visit Cyberarts Gallery to see Data Para Todes, a project led by prof Lina Maria Giraldo to improve data literacy in Latine communities, which taught HS students to build prototype air quality sensors and visualize the data. Fri–Sun 12pm–6pm until Dec 18. bostoncyberarts.org/data-para-todes
Emerson Journalism (@ecjrn) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Are you an Emerson Journalism alum living in Los Angeles? Department Chair Janet Kolodzy will be visiting next week and would love you to join her for lunch on the Emerson LA campus next Tuesday, Nov. 15. Please drop us a DM if you're available!

Emerson Journalism (@ecjrn) 's Twitter Profile Photo

DEPT majors chatted over pizza last night to meet mentors and surf the real... faculty too... end-of-term vibes replenished etc... visit JUMP channel on slack for more Tim Riley, author

Emerson Journalism (@ecjrn) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Emerita Professor Dr. Marsha Della-Giustina, a founding faculty member of Emerson's journalism program, passed away on Monday. She leaves behind a forty-year legacy of mentorship, and hundreds of successful practicing journalists. 💜💜💜 today.emerson.edu/2023/06/12/pro…

Emerson Journalism (@ecjrn) 's Twitter Profile Photo

More sad news: Emeritus Prof Manny Paraschos passed away Sunday. The Paraschos Journalism Scholar Award is given annually to graduating first-gen journalism students. To donate in Manny's honor, go to emerson.edu/support-emerso…, select "OTHER" and write "Journalism, Paraschos Prize"