ECEM 2023 Leipzig (@ecem_2023) 's Twitter Profile
ECEM 2023 Leipzig


The European Conference on Ecological Modelling is happening from September 4 - 8, 2023 @UFZ_de. This year's theme is: Ecological Modeling for #Transformation.

ID: 1582081225086451732

link calendar_today17-10-2022 18:49:01

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ECEM 2023 Leipzig (@ecem_2023) 's Twitter Profile Photo

If you haven’t done yet, you should definitely grab a UFZler and get a campus tour UFZ in the next coffee break. There is a lot to explore 🌳🐸🏓 #ECEM23

If you haven’t done yet, you should definitely grab a UFZler and get a campus tour <a href="/UFZ_de/">UFZ</a> in the next coffee break. There is a lot to explore 🌳🐸🏓 #ECEM23
ECEM 2023 Leipzig (@ecem_2023) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Today at #ECEM23, Dean Valery Forbes and Leonna Szangolies presented approaches for a standardized model visualization to enhance communication and acceptability. Do you think we need such a standard? Put in the comments what in your eyes are the most important features!

Juliano Sarmento Cabral (@cabral_sarmento) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Very emotional thanks to Volker Grimm to his invaluable contribution to UFZ and connections throughout the modelling groups across the world that made this ECEM 2023 Leipzig so special! Absolutely well deserved. I'm honoured to be part of this meeting, I can only second Karin's words!

Very emotional thanks to Volker Grimm to his invaluable contribution to UFZ and connections throughout the modelling groups across the world that made this <a href="/ECEM_2023/">ECEM 2023 Leipzig</a> so special! Absolutely well deserved. I'm honoured to be part of this meeting, I can only second Karin's words!
ECEM 2023 Leipzig (@ecem_2023) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Two more inspiring keynotes today at #ECEM23 from Sara Mitri and Benjamin Martin, who did an excellent job of showing how lab work, field experiments and modelling complement each other...

Two more inspiring keynotes today at #ECEM23 from Sara Mitri and Benjamin Martin, who did an excellent job of showing how lab work, field experiments and modelling complement each other...
Masahiro Ryo (@ryomasahiro) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The European Conference on Ecological Modelling ECEM 2023 Leipzig at Leibzig was really fun to join😆I hope the next conference will be held within a few years...😇 In particular, knowing what people think about machine learning for ecological application was really helpful.

ECEM 2023 Leipzig (@ecem_2023) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#ECEM23 has come to an end with a special thanks to Volker Grimm for his tireless commitment to the modelling community over decades! Also a big thanks to the co-organizer Rico Fischer for guiding us through the program during the week👏

#ECEM23 has come to an end with a special thanks to Volker Grimm for his tireless commitment to the modelling community over decades! Also a big thanks to the co-organizer <a href="/Rico_Fischer_/">Rico Fischer</a> for guiding us through the program during the week👏
Leonna Szangolies (@l_szangolies) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Had a great week in Leipzig at #ECEM23! I got the chance to present my research on #energetics in #communities and met so many wonderful people. Thanks!

Rupert Seidl (@rupertseidl) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Goodbye ECEM 2023 Leipzig and thanks for a week of wonderful discussions and inspiring insights on ecological modeling! Thanks to Volker Grimm, Rico Fischer and all the organizers UFZ for making this such a great conference!

Goodbye <a href="/ECEM_2023/">ECEM 2023 Leipzig</a> and thanks for a week of wonderful discussions and inspiring insights on ecological modeling! Thanks to Volker Grimm, <a href="/Rico_Fischer_/">Rico Fischer</a> and all the organizers <a href="/UFZ_de/">UFZ</a> for making this such a great conference!
ECEM 2023 Leipzig (@ecem_2023) 's Twitter Profile Photo

What a great atmosphere at #ECEM23! Such a nice platform to share how ecological modelling can contribute to #transformation. Hope everyone has a safe journey home or enjoys another night in Leipzig 🌇

What a great atmosphere at #ECEM23! Such a nice platform to share how ecological modelling can contribute to #transformation. Hope everyone has a safe journey home or enjoys another night in Leipzig 🌇
Marco Mina (@marco_mina_) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Great time at the ECEM 2023 Leipzig in Leipzig! Happy to have contributed for Alpine Environment - Eurac Research with talks, co-org of a cool session with Forest Ecology ETH and discussions for future cooperation in forest modelling🌲🌳💻📈

Great time at the <a href="/ECEM_2023/">ECEM 2023 Leipzig</a> in Leipzig! Happy to have contributed for <a href="/EuracAlpine/">Alpine Environment - Eurac Research</a> with talks, co-org of a cool session with <a href="/ForEco_ETH/">Forest Ecology ETH</a> and discussions for future cooperation in forest modelling🌲🌳💻📈
Forest Modelling Lab. (@for_mod_lab) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🌳Great moment and valuable experience at ECEM 2023 Leipzig . 🖥️The Forest Modelling Lab. is proud to have participated in and contributed to this significant forest and ecological modelling meeting. 👏Thanks to all the researchers who made this meeting so interesting and inspiring!

🌳Great moment and valuable experience at <a href="/ECEM_2023/">ECEM 2023 Leipzig</a> .  
🖥️The Forest Modelling Lab. is proud to have participated in and contributed to this significant forest and ecological modelling meeting. 
👏Thanks to all the researchers who made this meeting so interesting and inspiring!
Global Change Research Group – CULS Prague (@gcrgculs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Another exciting event over – we gave several presentations on ECEM 2023 Leipzig, met good friends, and discovered many new ideas and motivations. Thanks to the organizers for their great work! RESONATE Olalla Díaz-Yáñez Rupert Seidl #forest #climatechange

Another exciting event over – we gave several presentations on <a href="/ECEM_2023/">ECEM 2023 Leipzig</a>, met good friends, and discovered many new ideas and motivations. Thanks to the organizers for their great work! <a href="/RESONATE_forest/">RESONATE</a>  <a href="/Olalla/">Olalla Díaz-Yáñez</a> <a href="/RupertSeidl/">Rupert Seidl</a> #forest #climatechange
Tomáš Hlásny (@thlasny) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Was a pleasure to present our joint work with Marcus Lindner and Julia Haas from FOREST EUROPE at ECEM 2023 Leipzig . Knowledge obtained through ecosystem models can be crucial for transforming forest risk management in EU. Are we prepared for this challenge? RESONATE

Was a pleasure to present our joint work with <a href="/marcuslindner_/">Marcus Lindner</a> and Julia Haas from <a href="/FORESTEUROPE/">FOREST EUROPE</a>  at <a href="/ECEM_2023/">ECEM 2023 Leipzig</a> . Knowledge obtained through ecosystem models can be crucial for transforming forest risk management in EU. Are we prepared for this challenge? <a href="/RESONATE_forest/">RESONATE</a>
Emma Underwood (@geospatialemma) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I recently presented at ECEM 2023 Leipzig sharing recent progress of parameterising plant range shift models using dispersal kernels with support from Dr Rebekka Allgayer. Thanks for your continued help, it means the world! 🙏 #ECEM2023 #ecology #modelling #conference #Leipzig #Germany #PhD

I recently presented at <a href="/ECEM_2023/">ECEM 2023 Leipzig</a> sharing recent progress of parameterising plant range shift models using dispersal kernels with support from <a href="/r_allgayer/">Dr Rebekka Allgayer</a>. Thanks for your continued help, it means the world! 🙏
#ECEM2023 #ecology #modelling #conference #Leipzig #Germany #PhD
Sanjana Dutt (@dsanjanadutt) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🌿I had an amazing experience in ECEM 2023 Leipzig. Presented a poster on Tuchola Forest fragmentation after windstorms. Thanks to the organizers and fellow ecologists for an amazing experience & valuable insights! 🌎 #EcologicalModelling #ForestEcology #Conservation #Ecology #Leipzig

🌿I had an amazing experience in <a href="/ECEM_2023/">ECEM 2023 Leipzig</a>. Presented a poster on Tuchola Forest fragmentation after windstorms. Thanks to the organizers and fellow ecologists for an amazing experience &amp; valuable insights! 🌎 #EcologicalModelling #ForestEcology #Conservation #Ecology #Leipzig
ECEM 2023 Leipzig (@ecem_2023) 's Twitter Profile Photo

On the occasion of the ECEM 2023 conference in Leipzig, we have launched a SPECIAL ISSUE in Ecological Modelling "Ecological Modelling for Transformation". Submissions are due by 31 March to…. 📄