Dr. Emily Sessa 🌿🔬
Herbarium Director @NYBG | Plant systematics & evolution | @AmerFernSoc Past-President | @Botanical_ Board member | she/her | Tweets mine
ID: 135304272
https://sessalab.org 20-04-2010 23:04:06
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Special Issue Call for Papers🌿DEADLINE EXTENDED! #AppsPlantSci invites proposals for a special issue: "Advances in analyzing & engineering plant metabolic diversity" Deadline April 22 botany.org/home/publicati… Wiley Plant Science Kira Tiedge Gaurav Moghe Dr. Stacey D. Smith #iamabotanist

The puzzling ecology of African Marantaceae #forests A new #AJB Review by Robin Pouteau, Juliette Picard, Charles Doumenge, Terry Brncic, Jean-François Gillet, Réjou-Méchain Maxime et al. doi.org/10.1002/ajb2.1… #botany #rainforests Wiley Plant Science Wiley Ecology & Evolution AMAP

Check out the latest #BioScience Viewpoint from #AIBS Member NSCAlliance. #aibsmso #CollectionsAreEssential Bthiers Trina Roberts Rebecca Rundell Gunter A. Fischer Scott V Edwards John Bates Dr. Emily Sessa 🌿🔬 ZaspelLab

Very excited to share the call for applications for the Tropical #Ferns and #Lycophytes course sponsored by Tropical Studies, that Eddie Watkins, Robbin Moran, and I will be teaching in Jan 2025. Partial scholarships available. tropicalstudies.org/course/tropica…

Reminder!🌻Special Issue Call for Papers #AppsPlantSci invites proposals for "Quantifying plant & fungal dispersal: New methods from multiple disciplines," led by Dr. Noelle G. Beckman Sally Chambers Irene Cobo-Simón & Lauren Sullivan Deadline: June 24 botany.org/home/publicati… #iamabotanist

🌱Special Issue Call for Papers🌱 #AppsPlantSci invites proposals for “Branching out: Resolving plant evolution through phylogenetic networks” led by editors Claudia Solís-Lemus & George Tiley botany.org/home/publicati… Wiley Plant Science #iamabotanist #plantevolution #phylogenetics

#Polyploidy and environmental stress response: a comparative study of fern gametophytes Blake-Mahmud et al. Dr. Emily Sessa 🌿🔬 📖 ow.ly/gsNs50SIZry

All tangled up: Unraveling #phylogenetics & reticulate evolution in the vining #ferns, Lygodium (Schizaeales) New #AJB research by Jessie Pelosi, Bethany Zumwalde, Weston Testo, Dr. Emily Sessa 🌿🔬, et al. doi.org/10.1002/ajb2.1… #botany #polyploidy Wiley Plant Science Wiley Plant Science

#NYBGScience New York Botanical Garden is recruiting a postdoctoral fellow and PhD student to investigate the evolution and development of sporangia in #ferns for a new U.S. National Science Foundation grant! For more information, email [email protected]. Application info for the postdoc is here: nybg.org/about/work-wit…