eBRAIN & Population Neuroscience Training Program
We study #brainhealth and resilience to aging and disease and promote training in #populationneuroscience of #ADRD #precisionpublichealth
ID: 1248274806828662787
https://www.ebrain.pitt.edu/ 09-04-2020 15:42:09
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Education on this topic must be better now than it was before- trainees and younger colleagues teach me - but-Can we do better with our curricula? eBRAIN & Population Neuroscience Training Program Dr. Beth Shaaban @epi_andi Dara D. Mendez, PhD, MPH Tiffany Gary-Webb @sara_godina Dr. Sarah Kolibash Royse Dr. Jennifer Manly
I am presenting our work from UW–Madison UW Pop Health Sci SHOW at the Gerontological Society of America (GSA) #GSA2021 on Friday. Join our session to learn about “Mental Health and Well-Being Among Individuals With a Sensory Loss During COVID-19 Lockdown Measures” cdmcd.co/RrXnnM
Black Men's #BrainHealth (#BMBH) Matters🧠 & our upcoming #BMBH Conference is all about it! We have an amazing line up of speakers, including: @aprilthames Roland J. Thorpe, Jr Carl V. Hill & #DrToniAntonnuci! Join us on 02/09-02/10/22 @ USC Roybal Institute & pls #RT: bit.ly/3kg2IRO!
was waiting for thsi to come out! eBRAIN & Population Neuroscience Training Program Dr. Beth Shaaban
Our latest article showing that #gait speed declines in a non-linear (accelerating) fashion in #aging - and faster/earlier than many cognitive tests. With Oshadi Jayakody, Monique Breslin, Emmeline Ayers, Dr. Joe Verghese Sofiya Milman 🎗️ and Erica Weiss academic.oup.com/biomedgerontol…
Couldn't agree more Phyllis Ferrell! This was an inspiring and energizing panel on Women's 🧠 Health & AD. #BrainHealth is #PublicHealth & I look forward to continuing this #MageeSummit convo. Magee-Womens Research Institute & Foundation MerylComer Brooks Kenny Women In Bio UsAgainstAlzheimer's Pitt Public Health Pitt's Alzheimer's Disease Research Center
Our #LGBTQcaregiver and Alzheimer’s Webinar hosted by @ZanderKeig LCSW with guest speakers 🔊 Dr. Jace D Flatt, PhD, MPH and Dr. Whitney Wharton PhD is happening now ⬇️ #LGBTQcommunity #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #dementia #dementiacare #publichealth #healthdisparities
Join the Pgh Pepper Center for their bi-monthly Zoom seminar M 11/22 at 8:30am & hear Jen Brach, PhD. Email [email protected] for virtual link! pepper.pitt.edu #PittGeriatrics
Senior Vice Chancellor's Research Seminar Series: On Friday, February 11 at noon, Stacey Sukoff Rizzo from Aging Institute at the University of Pittsburgh will present "Overcoming Dogma: Fresh Perspectives in Translational Research for Alzheimer's Disease" via Zoom. More info.: bit.ly/2022-SVC-Lectu….
#ispgr2022 was outstanding, great science, lots of ideas, smart people Lisa Alcock Dr. Beth Shaaban @epi_andi next time we go together!
First last-author📰! Novel results from our team on longitudinal associations of sensory and motor function and🩸-based biomarkers for AD and neurodegeneration doi.org/10.1016/j.neur… UW Pop Health Sci University of Wisconsin Division of Geriatrics Wisconsin ADRC
Do Muscle and brain talk to each other? Dr. Beth Shaaban eBRAIN & Population Neuroscience Training Program Samuele Marcora @epi_andi Clinical & Translational Science Institute Aging Institute at the University of Pittsburgh Pitt's Alzheimer's Disease Research Center medicalnewstoday.com/articles/does-…