Education Business Partnership (NW) Careers
Education Business Partnership (NW) Careers Twitter Account everything CEIAG related
ID: 1405429317291712513 17-06-2021 07:38:38
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It has been great to see so many speakers at Accrington Academy speaking to Year 11s today about their next steps, how to write a CV and how to prepare for interviews ready for post 16 #post16options #CEIAG #Apprenticeships #ALevels #TLevels #opportunities
Our books are open for all things careers and getting booked up quickly contact me to discuss your 2023/24 requirements on 01254 433390 or [email protected] #yourebp #workexperienceworks #ceiag #gatsby
Charlotte is at Accrington Academy Sixth Form this morning advising Year 13s about their options following their A Level results. Congratulations to everyone who have received their results today π #alevelresults2023 #careersadvice #opportunities #options
One of our lovely CEIAG officers delivering careers advice earlier this week. Can we help your young people? Get in touch #careers #gatsby #lancashiredbased Education Business Partnership (NW) Careers
Ms Ainsworth, our Careers Advisor, recently presented an assembly on apprenticeships to Year 9 students ahead of Guided Choices and in celebration of National Apprenticeship Week. Education Business Partnership (NW) Careers
Charlotte at Accrington Academy's Accrington Academy GCSE Options evening tonight ready to offer information on careers and pathways #options #careers #GCSEOptions
Charlotte has spent tooday at the Teachers and Advisers conference University of Leeds What a brilliant and informative day! Lots of useful CEIAG information to take back to include in future IAG chats to the young people we work with. #inspiring #CEIAG #careersadvice