blake matthews
Canadian evolutionary ecologist studying aquatic ecosystems (mostly in Greenland and Switzerland), focusing on stickleback, isopods, and zooplankton (copepods).
ID: 19882692
https://blakematthewslab.com 01-02-2009 23:14:02
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🚨New paper!!🚨 Ectotherms with high thermal tolerance are often less thermally plastic, potentially due to a fitness tradeoff Just out in Functional Ecology, we find that reproductive costs of thermal plasticity are greater in more thermally tolerant families besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/13…

#RIVER_epfl congratulates Hannes Peter, @R_Sommaruga and many more for this important paper nature.com/articles/s4146…! The world is changing — rapidly!

The mechanistic-map chapter of my book is now partly illustrated by Marcusneustetter, and he's truly outdone himself this time! Check it out at: expandingpossibilities.org/6-mechanistic-…. Much more to come! Stay tuned.

Posing for the cover of @eawagresearch news… Greenland aquatic research team 2024 (part 1) newly featuring phytoplankton profi Anita Narwani (in the red hat!)

Fieldwork season in Greenland 🇬🇱 this year has taken us to the retreating ice sheet, studying the origin of lakes and the evolutionary community assembly of their communities. Funded this year by the Swiss Polar Institute SwissPolarInstitute and Eawag and Swiss National Science Foundation