Ealing Green Party
For People and Planet.
ID: 388158805
https://join.greenparty.org.uk/ 10-10-2011 08:57:29
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So proud to have more than TRIPLED the Green Party's vote share in Ealing North, coming in third place! Thank you to all those residents in Ealing North who have put their trust in me this election, and congratulations James Murray on your re-election!
@Neil4SouthallMP Ealing Green Party My 1st time voting The Green Party Well done 👍🏾
What an incredible result - The Green Party elected 4 MPs, as well as TRIPLING our vote share across Ealing! 💚 11.4% in Ealing Central & Acton for Dr Kate Crossland 💚 9.4% in Ealing North for Natalia Kubica 💚 9.3% in Ealing Southall for @Neil4SouthallMP join.greenparty.org.uk
SIX The Green Party parliamentarians in Westminster! With Jenny Jones and I well outnumbered by the MPs: Sian Berry Carla Denyer Adrian Ramsay MP for Waveney Valley and Ellie Chowns What a moment
Ealing Green Party has announced its candidates for the 10 October 2024 EalingCouncil by-elections. Andrew Walkley (South Acton) Natalia Kubica Natalia Kubica (Northolt Mandeville) and Kate Crossland (Hanger Hill) will be standing. ealing.news/ealing-council… #EalingDecides
Neil Reynolds Neil Reynolds, chair of Ealing Green Party told EALING NEWS of his concerns. He said: “This is another case of appalling maladministration by Ealing council where it has failed to protect one of its most vulnerable residents. " ealing.news/news/ealing-co…
James Murray Rupa Huq MP Deirdre Costigan MP Neil Reynolds chair of Ealing Green Party said of the government axing winter fuel allowance for all pensioners: “What is the point of the Labour Government if they are going to continue with the failed austerity of the past 14 years? Today’s vote is continuity Conservatism and will
Chair of Ealing Green Party , Neil Reynolds challenges EalingCouncil over its treatment of traffic wardens: "The council should come to it's senses and recognise the workers rights. Greener Ealing has done very little to improve illegal parking. You only have to look at the Uxbridge
Introducing our candidate for the Northolt Mandeville by-election, Natalia Kubica. An experienced environmental campaigner, Natalia has lived in the Northolt area her whole life and coordinated local COVID-19 mutual aid during the lockdowns. Read more: ealing.greenparty.org.uk/2024/09/13/nat…