E3 Yu-Gi-Oh! (@e3yugioh) 's Twitter Profile
E3 Yu-Gi-Oh!


ID: 1498504499442323456

linkhttp://youtube.com/e3yugioh calendar_today01-03-2022 03:45:07

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Tarence Ray (@tarenceray) 's Twitter Profile Photo

When I say the Palestinian issue is preeminent for me, I don’t mean that it comes before every other issue. I mean that it’s the primary contradiction around which everything else unravels. This is it guys. This is what slavery was to the 19th century. It is the check coming due

Nathan Tankus (@nathantankus) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"German Chancellor Adolph Hitler is examining a plan to seal off humanitarian aid to the Warsaw Ghetto in an attempt to starve out socialist & communist militants, a plan that could trap hundreds of thousands of Jews without food or water.

Hauntologies.Net (@eliajayoub) 's Twitter Profile Photo

You're worried about us Arabs being radicalized? Wait till you find out what happens to a person's mind when he or she sees a child tethered to an IV being burned alive. Wait till you understand how those screams change someone forever.

Hurt CoPain (@saeeddicaprio) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I genuinely do not understand how people can see images of children on IV getting burned alive and still continue to look the other way

Jairo I FĂșnez-Flores (@jairo_i_funez) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I actually think it’s worse for someone to grow up around activists, only to later disregard protesters calling for the U.S. to stop sending bombs to Israel.

I actually think it’s worse for someone to grow up around activists, only to later disregard protesters calling for the U.S. to stop sending bombs to Israel.
‏Martyrs of Gaza (@gazamartyrs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

💔Heartbreaking | Yesterday wasn't the first time Shaban cried out for the world's help as Israel burned him alive. He had been pleading for the world to save him because he was the sole provider for his family. Now, he's gone, leaving behind two sisters and a little brother with

Mohammad (@margbaramerica) 's Twitter Profile Photo

he was studying software engineering from a tent, still living for the next day. it would be a disservice to their life to only remember them engulfed in flames. learn their names and stories.

jay (@tensorfied_) 's Twitter Profile Photo

this is the guy everyone saw burn and melt alive on a hospital bed with an IV attached to him. remember these people are more than just numbers. they had a life, a family, dreams just like us.

MBT đŸ’« Elestrals (@mbtelestrals) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Absolutely dumbfounded by this. Obviously the Pixelborn team knows what they're doing but it looks MAGNIFICENT, plus all cards given for free at release is absolutely insane. Will be backing at a ludicrous tier, then streaming during variety as the client becomes available. Wow.

sira 🍉 (@si12o2) 's Twitter Profile Photo

She was showing people the reality of what's happening through her art and Israel killed her, this was her last post , rest in peace mahasen , and may Israel perish from this planet