Duncan Mascarenhas PhD
Associate Professor of Sport & Ex Psychology & Coaching (C. Psychol) - Innovative Genius 🤣 in the research & practice of enhancing sports officiating
ID: 255085053
http://www.refereepsychologist.com 20-02-2011 16:59:38
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Join “The Close Call” Facebook group for “In Conversation With” Duncan Mascarenhas PhD and Dr Ian Cunningham on sports officiating research/practice tonight…@ENUOfficiating

Learn how we ENU Sport Science take top sports officials from around the world and use the latest research to develop their practice... #referee #whistleblowers @rugbypass #refereetraining

Congratulations Edinburgh Napier University student Sara Cox MBE on her MBE for services to officiating @ENUOfficiating #MBE #refereetraining

Congratulations Christina Barrow another example of an expert ENU Applied Sciences using evidence to shape their professional practice. To learn more how you can enhance your officiating practice bit.ly/MScPESO #lovetthewhistle #umpire #norefsnogames tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.10…

Is this the future for referee coaching? 360 degree video used to help Federation of International Touch referees prepare for the #touchworldcup2024 #twc2024 bit.ly/Click360

Why will studying a masters degree help my sports officiating? Here’s what AFL Umpire Johnny Howorth has to say…bit.ly/Imp4ctJH MSc in Sports Officiating now Recruiting for September @ENUApplyscience Clare Daniels Sara Cox MBE Christina Barrow Peter Strikwerda @ENUOfficiating

Hurry!! Our Masters degree Edinburgh Napier University for sports officials is filling up. Only 3 weeks get your application in to start in September! Now open to volunteer officials too... vimeo.com/930587915/225b…

Call Sports officials who want to develop as leaders... MSc in Sports Officiating, recruiting now Edinburgh Napier University bit.ly/MScPESO

Enjoying the #twc2024 trialling a 360 degree camera for referee feedback and training… Federation of International Touch bit.ly/Trytime

Great to have our Edinburgh Napier University researchers Duncan Mascarenhas PhD showcased in a referee special at the Touch World Cup hashtag#TWC2024 in Nottingham... How our 360 camera research is helping support world cup referees...youtube.com/watch?v=OLMD2b…

Congratulations Ruchira - the first Sri Lankan and Edinburgh Napier University student to umpire 50 T20 Internationals today (Sri-Lanka v West Indies) 🙌🏽 #OnlineLearning #umpirelearning #EvidenceBasedpractice

Ready to take your officiating to the next level. How about a masters degree? ✅ Flexible entry requirements ✅ Open to sports officials operating at any level ✅ 100% online to suit your needs 💥 Apply now Edinburgh Napier University for Jan 2025! bit.ly/MScOfficiating #lovethewhistle