Chris Dudley
Passionate about developing the entrepreneurial mindset in others.
ID: 1700389832
http://www.senecacollege.ca/helix 25-08-2013 23:06:30
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Always enjoy reading Red, it is such an amazing alumni magazine. #SenecaProud of the story on HERizons and how this #SenecaHELIX initiative dismantles gender barriers to help women get ahead. Seneca Works @SenecaInnov Colleges and Institutes Canada Polytechnics Canada York Link | York Region Economic Development

This winter, #HERizons is offering FREE virtual 8-week business Math course to help women improve fundamental numeracy skills to advance their career. Register at: senecapolytechnic.ca/ce/classes/BEM… For more information about the course, please email [email protected] #SenecaHELIX

We’re #SenecaProud to be recognized by GTA Top Employers for the 15th time. Learn more about what makes us a great place to work: bit.ly/3TaCt1G

#SenecaProud that #SenecaHELIX’s Career Recharge, our experiential job skills initiative, has secured funding through to January 2027. 23,300+ have participated in Career Recharge since 2019, and thanks to the generous support of TD bank, thousands more will benefit. Polytechnics Canada

#SenecaProud that Seneca Polytechnic is among the first Canadian postsecondary institutions to bring Microsoft Azure AI technologies to students to support learning and career goals. Learn more at newswire.ca/news-releases/… #SenecaHELIX Seneca Works Polytechnics Canada York Link | York Region Economic Development Seneca Polytechnic

#Senecaproud that the 4th annual #SenecaHELIX #IWD24 event is underway. An amazing, engaging fireside chat focused on inclusivity between Jenn Harper Founder of Cheekbone Beauty 💋 and Melanie Ng Melanie Ng. Participants engaged in person and virtually. Seneca Works Polytechnics Canada