Kaleb Dubowski
5’11 l 160 lbs l T&F athlete l WR/DB l 2024 at Big Rapids high school l 3.74 GPA l 11.09 100m l 4.50 40 l Email:[email protected] l 231-580-3363
ID: 1268416033695686656
http://www.hudl.com/profile/16318002 04-06-2020 05:35:37
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After a great visit and conversation with Mike Fitzpatrick and Darien Burse I am blessed to receive my first offer from Alma college. Thanks for having me out! @BRCardinalBBall Scott Hankamp Indiana Game Indiana Game 17U UA Rise
Big PR in the 100m today at the Kent City CSAA quad meet with a 11.09 (lane 3) Calvin Track & Field
22.74 PR in the 200 yesterday (lane 5 in red) Calvin Track & Field
22.49 PR in the 200 on Friday (Lane 4 in red) Calvin Univ. Cross Country/Track & Field Calvin Knights Football
Highlights from the 2023-2024 Szn! hudl.com/v/2NsnLX Scott Hankamp MittenRecruit Tyler Whitcomb @kuyperdevelopbb Kuyper College Men's Basketball
Heres my interview with Big Rapids Football's Kaleb Dubowski as he talks about this past year of Football and more youtu.be/r4fUhNTk4Ik?si…
After a great conversation with Coach Bullough I am blessed to receive an offer from Lawrence Tech University #AGTG LTU Football CoachMerchLTU Oscar Olejniczak Massimo Menna Prep Redzone 🏈 The D Zone Alex Pallone
NHSACA is Excited to announce that Brad Antcliff from Beal City HS Beal City Schools Michigan Beal City Aggie Baseball has been selected as a finalist for NHSACA National Baseball ⚾️ Coach of the Year! Congratulations Coach!
(1/2) ALL ACCESS: From sunrise to sundown, I spent a day with Calvin Football (Calvin Knights Calvin Knights Football) as it prepares for its INAUGURAL season. I followed head coach Trent Figg around through breakfast, practice, meetings, and more 13 On Your Side. wzzm13.com/article/sports…
FINAL: Calvin Knights Football 50, Oberlin 6! Knights win their inaugural game! #GoCalvin #ArmorUp #D3fb
#AGTG After a great conversation with Coach Ryan Patterson I am blessed to receive an offer to Calvin Knights Football Trent Figg Prep Redzone Michigan 🏈Mi HS FootballFrenzy🏈 Michigan exposure
JUINOR SZN‼️ -5’11, 185lb slot/cb - 913 total yards - 6td (2kr) - 12 yards per carry - 17 yards per rec. Brad Otterbein Billy Lindquist Ahmed Saleh Davis Lewandowski Jace Daniels Nick Postma Adrian Saterstad Hudl film + fruitport opening kr⬇️ hudl.com/v/2QJcX0