Salvatore Citraro
ID: 1141278530153734144
19-06-2019 09:36:20
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Thanks to SoBigData TNA access, I got the occasion to visit Giulio Rossetti at KDD Lab Pisa in Pisa during the last 3 weeks. Stay tuned to see the results! Spoiler: it is related to community detection and CDlib - Community Discovery Library.

Excited to share KDD Lab Pisa latest work on Human-AI Coevolution, exploring the intertwined influence between recommenders and humans in social media, online retail, urban mapping, and genAI: 👉 arxiv.org/abs/2306.13723 👉 arxiv.org/abs/2407.01630… Dino Pedreschi Emanuele Ferragina

How do our minds remember words? The answer: layers like an onion! A review by Massimo Stella PhD Salvatore Citraro @giuliorossetti daniele marinazzo Yoed Kenett Mike Vitevitch shows why multilayer networks are best for modeling the mental lexicon. Daniel Pfaff #psynomPBR bit.ly/463SMlf

Reweighting the edges of a network via graph embeddings makes the community structure more easily detectable! Check our paper, just out in Scientific Reports! Great collaboration with Bianka Kovacs, Gergely Palla and Sadamori Kojaku IU Luddy Scientific Reports doi.org/10.1038/s41598…

Today we release #YSocial, a next-generation platform harnessing the power of LLM to create digital twins for social simulations. Experience dynamic social interactions like never before! #DigitalTwin #SocialSimulations ysocialtwin.github.io SoBigData Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione 1/n

📢 Shoutout to the team behind the project: Massimo Stella PhD Cazabet Rémy Salvatore Citraro Valentina Pansanella Virginia Morini Erica Cau Andrea Failla Katherine Abramski #YSocial: where the digital world comes to life

Virginia Morini kickoff the 1st edition of the Social Media Sway workshop ASONAM Conference #ASONAM24 SoBigData SoBigData.it Institute of Information Science and Technologies [email protected]

Giulio Rossetti wrapping up SMS workshop at #ASONAM24 introducing #YSocial a digital replica of microblogging online social platforms for social simulations. 🤖💻

And today Is the turn of Salvatore Citraro presenting "Burstiness in emotions: a case study on collective affective responses in Italian soccer fandoms" #ASONAM24 #CatanzaroVsCosenza Institute of Information Science and Technologies SoBigData SoBigData.it

Brave Salvatore Citraro jumping into the lion’s den (Cosenza) fighting for his life (showing the joy of Catanzaro FC supporters) #ASONAM24 CNR Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche KDD Lab Pisa SoBigData