Tanveer Ahmed(@drtahmed) 's Twitter Profileg
Tanveer Ahmed


Psychiatrist. Author: In Defence of Shame Columnist @FinancialReview Father of daughters.


linkhttp://www.tanveerahmed.com.au calendar_today11-09-2009 21:44:34

3,0K Tweets


1,9K Following

Tanveer Ahmed(@drtahmed) 's Twitter Profile Photo

'To some extent, we lack the language for these sorts of events and mental health isn’t always enough. That doesn’t always help us grapple with the bigger sort of existential and spiritual questions this sort of event raises.' thenewdaily.com.au/life/health/20…

Tanveer Ahmed(@drtahmed) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hopefully a nuanced take on the relationship of mental illness and violence in response to the Bondi Jn massacre. afr.com/politics/feder…

Tanveer Ahmed(@drtahmed) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The Jury is a good show in my opinion. More showbizy, but brings in the audience and opposite views. Deserves further seasons.

Tanveer Ahmed(@drtahmed) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I wouldn't say I was ever a massive fan of jalapeno chillies...there are many types tastier and hotter....but do enjoy them. Mexican not so big in Australia, but do tend to agree that I haven't found them terribly spicy in recent years. dmagazine.com/food-drink/202…

Tanveer Ahmed(@drtahmed) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Good musing on the modern significance or, sometimes lack thereof, of Sigmeund Freud. unherd.com/2024/03/why-we…

Charlie(@charlietech) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Tanveer Ahmed Mark Horowitz this was a sensational interview Tanveer. Very clear, easy to under stand. Not designed to shock, but educate. I heard it on the radio yesterday. It should be tagged as a community benefit piece. Well done.

Tanveer Ahmed(@drtahmed) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Why we should treat the drudgery of going back to work as 'clearing the runway' for launching ourselves in the year ahead. Sunrise youtube.com/watch?v=22Fkg6…

John Milionis(@JohnMilionis) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Tanveer Ahmed Great article Tanveer. Started following you. What you've outlined adds to the creeping costs/burdens on Aust. business & society. Our cost base is on an inexorable rise imo, and our productivity as a nation will further decline...int rates higher for longer...

Tanveer Ahmed(@drtahmed) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I write about the growing psychological welfare state straining budgets, both State and Federal. afr.com/policy/health-…

Tanveer Ahmed(@drtahmed) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Talking gaslighting on Sunrise this morning, a term that has possibly become one of the most over and inappropriately used terms in the lexicon. Serious form of emotional abuse, but increasingly used re difference of opinion or to avoid legitimate scrutiny.

Talking gaslighting on @sunriseon7 this morning, a term that has possibly become one of the most over and inappropriately used terms in the lexicon. Serious form of emotional abuse, but increasingly used re difference of opinion or to avoid legitimate scrutiny.
Tanveer Ahmed(@drtahmed) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Interesting to consider how much of the shape of our current world was shaped by this one man. Probably in the top handful of most influential people in the 20th century. nytimes.com/2023/11/29/us/…

Tanveer Ahmed(@drtahmed) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Interesting to think to what extent this development in the Netherlands is linked to Mid East conflict? Likely to flow through to other similar figures like Marine Le Pen. news.com.au/finance/work/l…

Tasneem Khalil(@tasneem) 's Twitter Profile Photo

As Bangladesh undergoes UPR, this special report by Nazmul Ahasan reveals the scale and patterns of extrajudicial executions in Bangladesh. As part of the report, we are releasing a database that contains records of each killing from 2009 to 2022.
