Richard Wood
pediatric colorectal surgeon @NCHcolorectal @nationwidekids @baps1953 @RoySocMed @RCSnews @SpringboksFans #ccpr @NCHPedSurg
ID: 2803313407
http://www.nationwidechildrens.org/ccpr 11-09-2014 08:05:40
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More parent and patient centered knowledge on ARM and Gynecology with Kate at our Nationwide Children's Hospital Regional Pull-Through Network Richard Wood ONEin5000Foundation Peds Colorectal, Nationwide Children's Hospital NCH GI Motility Center Rama Jayanthi Ohio State Wexner Medical Center Surgery Dept.

We are honored to have our Keynote address with Greg Ryan OAM ONEin5000Foundation all the way from #Australia at the Regional PullThrough Network Nationwide Children's Hospital Richard Wood Kate Peds Colorectal, Nationwide Children's Hospital NCH GI Motility Center Rama Jayanthi Ohio State Wexner Medical Center Surgery Dept. #anorectalmalformation

Pediatric pelvic floor PT getting center stage discussion! Regional PullThrough Network Nationwide Children's Hospital Peds Colorectal, Nationwide Children's Hospital NCH GI Motility Center ONEin5000Foundation Richard Wood Kate Rama Jayanthi Ohio State Wexner Medical Center Surgery Dept.

Love sharing the amazing work I get to do with Peds Colorectal, Nationwide Children's Hospital and Richard Wood and Ihab Halaweish! Thanks for the opportunity, Nationwide Children's Clinical & Research Updates Nationwide PedSurg!

Such an honor to work with this amazing team. Congratulations on a fantastic showing. NCH GI Motility Center Peds Colorectal, Nationwide Children's Hospital Nationwide Children's Hospital

Amina Usman, NCH GI Motility Center research coordinator applying for med school, presented on topical treatment of the anal sphincter (ie diltiazem) for kids w FC suspected to have outlet dysfunction. 👉 Safe, effective for some, small sample. Shruthi Srinivas, MD, MPH Dennis Yang Richard Wood

Great work from NCH GI Motility Center An area that needs more understanding to improve outcomes in FC and ARM patients. Peds Colorectal, Nationwide Children's Hospital

Patient reported experience outcomes related to cleanliness as discussed by Shruthi Srinivas, MD, MPH Richard Wood Ihab Halaweish Peds Colorectal, Nationwide Children's Hospital Ohio State Wexner Medical Center Surgery Dept. ⭕️🦋❗️⭕️

Feeling extraordinarily lucky to be part of this team Peds Colorectal, Nationwide Children's Hospital, and to have PCPLC as a place to learn, share our work as a team, and eat great tacos. Extremely proud of every one of us and glad to be trusted with the quest to paint Arizona in butterflies 🦋 #PCPLC2023

Pooja Zahora, APRN discusses equivalent bowel management program outcomes with any of our four options of inpatient, in person, hybrid or remote. Sarah Driesbach Richard Wood Ihab Halaweish Peds Colorectal, Nationwide Children's Hospital NCH GI Motility Center PCPLC #pcplc2023 🦋

For 50th Episode of Rare and Resilient- ONEin5000Foundation podcast I interview medical professionals from Peds Colorectal, Nationwide Children's Hospital The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center to discuss Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy (PFPT) for #imperforateanus #anorectalmalformation patients Alessandra Gasior, DO,FACS Sarah Driesbach podbean.com/ei/pb-9f52v-15…

Dr. Richard Wood reviewing the 10-year journey of Peds Colorectal, Nationwide Children's Hospital. Impressive what can be done when a center is designed around the patient - both ones here & ones we’ll never meet. 👏 Carlo Di Lorenzo Desale Yacob, MD / ዶር. ደሳል ያቆብ Alessandra Gasior, DO,FACS Ihab Halaweish Karen Diefenbach Marc Levitt

📢 Exciting new research alert! #ACE alone is effective in the management of segmental #colonic #dysmotility pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37940124/ Marc Levitt Richard Wood Casey M Calkins Carlo Di Lorenzo Desale Yacob, MD / ዶር. ደሳል ያቆብ Rebecca Rentea, MD PCPLC #functionalconstipation #pediatriccolorectal

Join Dr. Steve Rothenberg and other amazing faculty at the Second Annual #RoboticSurgery for Pediatric Surgeons Conference (Aug 21-23) in Columbus! Learn more - nationwidechildrens.org/for-medical-pr… Nationwide PedSurg IPEG Nationwide Children's Clinical & Research Updates Karen Diefenbach Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children Irving J. Zamora

Hot off the press! Important work from Peds Colorectal, Nationwide Children's Hospital showing TUM for cloacal repair does not impair bladder function when performed in the correct patient ✅ CC < 3cm ✅ urethra >1.5 cm sciencedirect.com/science/articl…

This landmark study demonstrates that including urethral length in the assessment of cloacal malformation patients has improved patient selection and maintains bladder function. Peds Colorectal, Nationwide Children's Hospital Pediatric Urology, Nationwide Children's Hospital Nationwide Children's Clinical & Research Updates

This study demonstrates the real world benefits of multi-disciplinary care for cloacal malformations. Incidence of chronic kidney disease reduced from 50% historically to 2.9%. “It takes a village” Peds Colorectal, Nationwide Children's Hospital Pediatric Urology, Nationwide Children's Hospital Nationwide Children's Clinical & Research Updates NCH Kidney Center