Nikhil Rao 💙 (@drniks_r40) 's Twitter Profile
Nikhil Rao 💙


GI & NM Radiologist - interested in IBD and Abdominal Wall Reconstruction Imaging (AWR) 🎼🎹🎸🎧👨🏾‍⚕️🏏🏎 ⭐️+🤺

ID: 1381311355735654401

calendar_today11-04-2021 18:21:14

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381 Following

Christopher Clarke (@chrisgdclarke) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Really great to see so many enthusiastic people at the East Midlands CT Colonography Special interest group meeting today! Excellent speakers and lots to be working on! Anu Obaro BSGAR NUH Radiology

Really great to see so many enthusiastic people at the East Midlands CT Colonography Special interest group  meeting today! Excellent speakers and lots to be working on! <a href="/anu_obaro/">Anu Obaro</a> <a href="/BSGAR_UK/">BSGAR</a> <a href="/NUHRadiology/">NUH Radiology</a>
Ajit Kishore (@drajitkishore) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Radiology requests don’t have to be a challenge 🩻 Here’s how to breeze through a radiology referral and get your scan accepted first time 👇 🧵 (1/7) The Society of Radiologists in Training The Royal College of Radiologists #FOAMrad #MedTwitter

Neil Gupta (@drneilguptair) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Fun day helping run the 1st ever Vascular IR Training Day at the new Midlands Imaging Academy Simulation Suite UHCW NHS Trust Radiology trainees using state-of-the-art simulators & gaining hands-on practical skills in #irad procedures #withoutascalpel #likesurgeryonlymagic

Fun day helping run the 1st ever Vascular IR Training Day at the new Midlands Imaging Academy Simulation Suite <a href="/nhsuhcw/">UHCW NHS Trust</a>

Radiology trainees using state-of-the-art simulators &amp; gaining hands-on practical skills in #irad procedures #withoutascalpel #likesurgeryonlymagic
Howard T Heller MD FAIUM FACR (@hellersound) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Right paraduodenal internal hernia resulting in obstruction. Note that the duodenojejunal junction never crosses the midline to the left (but did on a prior study - hence not congenital malrotation - also there’s a normal SMA/SMV relationship in this case).

JuniorBSGAR (@juniorbsgar) 's Twitter Profile Photo

SAVE THE DATE, the Annual BSGAR Meeting is back on 2nd & 3rd Feb 2023 and this time we're at the cutting edge! Join us for 2 days rammed with expert talks and interactive case based sessions. Registration and abstract submissions open soon. Check out the programme below! 🤩

SAVE THE DATE, the Annual <a href="/BSGAR_UK/">BSGAR</a> Meeting is back on 2nd &amp; 3rd Feb 2023 and this time we're at the cutting edge! Join us for 2 days rammed with expert talks and interactive case based sessions. Registration and abstract submissions open soon. Check out the programme below! 🤩
Trisha Greenhalgh (@trishgreenhalgh) 's Twitter Profile Photo

If you've got #longcovid, you might like to download our paper & send it to your GP. We wrote it because many people with long covid said "my GP thinks it's all in my mind" or "my GP says it's a specialist problem". This paper summarises the evidence and outlines what GPs CAN do!

Gopal Punjabi (@ctspectral) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Transient small bowel intussusception is extremely common on CT. Usually short segment (<3.5 cm), and of no consequence. I do not mention in report. When pathologic, small bowel intussusception is longer segment and has a lead point (lipoma in this case). #FOAMed

Transient small bowel intussusception is extremely common on CT. Usually short segment (&lt;3.5 cm), and of no consequence. I do not mention in report.
When pathologic, small bowel intussusception is longer segment and has a lead point (lipoma in this case).
Howard Beckett (@beckettunite) 's Twitter Profile Photo

• NHS Hospital Canteen: ‘Single Tuna sarnie’ costing £3.00 for nurses, paid for out of their own wage • Houses of Parliament: ‘Rum banana tarte tatin with rum and raisin ice cream’ for the princely sum of £2.37 for MPs, paid for by you the taxpayer Nurses’ fight is our fight.

David Payne, MD, MS (@davidlpaynemd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Critical re: testicular torsion findings on US for all my #radres friends. You don’t need complete absence of flow for this diagnosis. Case below shows preserved systolic flow, but diastolic reversal. RI also too high. Call the ED, share your concerns, and DOCUMENT!

Critical re: testicular torsion findings on US for all my #radres friends. 

You don’t need complete absence of flow for this diagnosis. Case below shows preserved systolic flow, but diastolic reversal. RI also too high. 

Call the ED, share your concerns, and DOCUMENT!
Dr Tony Goldstone (@goldstone_tony) 's Twitter Profile Photo

2/2 Jeremy Hunt Rachel Reeves Paul Johnson propose to fix the mess created by pension taxation, retention & waiting lists in the NHS? Mr. Hunt well knows the problem 👇, question is what does he proposed to do about it? RT if you want him to fix…

JuniorBSGAR (@juniorbsgar) 's Twitter Profile Photo

BSGAR's next FREE Virtual Education session Thurs 17th Nov 1pm. It's an epic one this week...Rare Liver Tumours and we've got 19 cases to review! 🤩 Speaker: Hameed Rafiee (back by popular demand) Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals Chair: Raneem Albazaz Leeds Teaching Hospitals Register:

sharad maheshwari MD (@abdo_imaging) 's Twitter Profile Photo

How to report a ventral hernia in a CT Scan and the prognostic implications of the findings. Read about "Loss Of Domain" Click the link below to explore more:…

How to report a ventral hernia in a CT Scan and the prognostic implications of the findings. Read about "Loss Of Domain"

Click the link below to explore more:…
Daniel Kowal, MD, RMSK | Radquarters (@radquarters) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Normal, blind-ending appendix on US measuring 6 mm. Outer diameter <6 mm almost always normal, 6-8 mm borderline, >8 mm highly suspicious for appendicitis. Watch 📽️ video to learn more: Boston Imaging Samsung Healthcare #FOAMrad #FOAMed #radres #medstudent

Normal, blind-ending appendix on US measuring 6 mm. Outer diameter &lt;6 mm almost always normal, 6-8 mm borderline, &gt;8 mm highly suspicious for appendicitis. Watch 📽️ video to learn more:
<a href="/BostonImaging/">Boston Imaging</a> <a href="/SamsungHealth/">Samsung Healthcare</a> #FOAMrad #FOAMed #radres  #medstudent
Michele Paduano (@michelepaduano) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Outstanding junior doctor burnt out through work and criticism University Hospitals Birmingham took her own life. Vaish Kumar had previously been chief registrar SWB NHS Trust and worked through the pandemic

Anu Obaro (@anu_obaro) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I was one of those two women, thanks Polly Todd💙. I am furious and heartbroken by what I saw on Monday. Photos/video stills shared with parental permission. A thread 🧵 1/n

sharad maheshwari MD (@abdo_imaging) 's Twitter Profile Photo

How I do Abdominal Imaging #AIQuiz Information to be provided for a renal stone: 1. Location - pole /calyx /vertebral body level 2. Hu Value / Dual energy if available 3. Stone to skin distance 4. Size - tra & cc #radiology #radtwitter #FOAMed #foamrad #urology #kidney

How I do
Abdominal Imaging #AIQuiz 

Information to be provided for a renal stone:

1. Location - pole /calyx /vertebral body level
2. Hu Value / Dual energy if available 
3. Stone to skin distance
4. Size - tra &amp; cc

#radiology #radtwitter #FOAMed #foamrad #urology #kidney
Peder E. Horner, MD Interventional Physician (@ir_doctor) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Radiologists: Keep consistent units of measurement throughout your reports. Pick one! Use cm (preferred) or mm, but stick with one unit and don't use more than one in a single report! It's like a changing tenses when writing. #BeBest! #radres #radiology