Dr. Nicole B Washington (DO, MPH) (@drnicolepsych) 's Twitter Profile
Dr. Nicole B Washington (DO, MPH)


Adult Psychiatrist/Podcast - the #CSuiteConfidant /#BlackMentalHealth/#PhysicianMentalHealth/Major Foodie/Louisiana Girl/Lover of all things just

ID: 869744326389022720

linkhttps://drnicolepsych.com calendar_today31-05-2017 02:36:21

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Dr. Nicole B Washington (DO, MPH) (@drnicolepsych) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I met a person w/ social anxiety that interferes w/ work functioning and difficulty speaking in front of clients. Her employer paid for her to attend a public speaking course and she is killing it. This is how you should treat employees! Why is this a surprise and not the norm?

Dr. Nicole B Washington (DO, MPH) (@drnicolepsych) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Happy to see @DrDaniJ speaking at the OK Psychiatric Physicians Association meeting on Diversity and Cultural Competence: The Impact of "Dual Pandemics" on Women's Mental Health! Moving the needle ever so slowly. I remember a time when this would never have been.

philip lewis (@phil_lewis_) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Viola Fletcher is celebrating her birthday on the same day the city of Tulsa is seeking to dismiss a lawsuit brought by her and two other living survivors seeking restitution for the Tulsa race massacre theblackwallsttimes.com/2023/05/10/on-…

Dr. Nicole B Washington (DO, MPH) (@drnicolepsych) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This poor man in front of me obviously had no idea that Big Latto was opening for Lizzo when he agreed to bring his 11-year-old daughter to see Lizzo 🤣🤣

Dr. Nicole B Washington (DO, MPH) (@drnicolepsych) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Yes!!! Had a patient greet me the other day with 👏🏾Okay👏🏾curls👏🏾poppin👏🏾today👏🏾 Made my day exponentially better! Agreed. We are it.

The Student National Medical Association (SNMA) (@snma) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The SNMA Mental Health Initiative is recruiting new members! We plan Safe Space events for SNMA members and design newsletters with mental health facts and info. Apply at: tinyurl.com/ejxwaf3p #mentalhealth #SNMA #MAPS #LeadersInMedicine #MinoritiesInMedicine #BlackDoctors

The SNMA Mental Health Initiative is recruiting new members! We plan Safe Space events for SNMA members and design newsletters with mental health facts and info.

Apply at: tinyurl.com/ejxwaf3p

#mentalhealth #SNMA #MAPS #LeadersInMedicine #MinoritiesInMedicine #BlackDoctors
National Medical Association (@nationalmedassn) 's Twitter Profile Photo

There’s a straight line between natural-hair discrimination & a higher risk of cancer. After a letter from two Black women in Congress, the FDA proposes removing a dangerous chemical from this hair care product used predominantly by Black women. Read more: bit.ly/3MxcdKy

There’s a straight line between natural-hair discrimination & a higher risk of cancer. After a letter from two Black women in Congress, the FDA proposes removing a dangerous chemical from this hair care product used predominantly by Black women. Read more: bit.ly/3MxcdKy
Dr. Nicole B Washington (DO, MPH) (@drnicolepsych) 's Twitter Profile Photo

So excited to share my TEDx talk on Imposter Syndrome with y'all. We're out here fighting to be seen and heard in environments that weren't designed with our success in mind. No wonder we feel like we don't belong. Thanks TEDxUniversityOfSouthAfrica for all your help youtu.be/l8hheTeviUU?si…

Dr. Nicole B Washington (DO, MPH) (@drnicolepsych) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I am a loner. I love being alone. But I am also married and have children. Sometimes those two realities don't jive together well instagram.com/reel/C6FKF_-L2…

Dr. Nicole B Washington (DO, MPH) (@drnicolepsych) 's Twitter Profile Photo

In other news water is also wet. In most homes, women are the ones who carry that load in addition to the other million things we do and it absolutely can affect mental health.

Dr. Nicole B Washington (DO, MPH) (@drnicolepsych) 's Twitter Profile Photo

How in the world did Louisiana miss the memo and play DJ Khaled for their roll call. That was a missed opportunity to show some love for some local artists!