Dr Nicola Burgess (@drnicolaburgess) 's Twitter Profile
Dr Nicola Burgess


Academic interested in healthcare quality improvement, leadership and knowledge mobilisation

ID: 2278924784

calendar_today06-01-2014 11:00:36

903 Tweet


901 Following

Virginia Mason Institute (@vm_institute) 's Twitter Profile Photo

WBS A4: IMO, all improvements matter but not in the same way. Prioritization and sequencing based on limited resources is critical. It’s key that a leader empowers their team to test their own ideas to ensure front line ideas come to life. #LeadingQI

Bernard Crump (@wbsprofbc) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A4 (Part 2), but equally, scarce and experienced improvement resources should be available to support the organisation's most pressing challenges. These two approaches are not incompatible.#QIhour #LeadingQI

SaTH Improvement Hub (@sathimprovement) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Q5. The 6 lessons and the recent england.nhs.uk/nhsimpact/ guidance are shaping how we look at spreading Improvement Science through our organisation. #leadingQI #QIHour

Q5.  The 6 lessons and the recent england.nhs.uk/nhsimpact/ guidance are shaping how we look at spreading Improvement Science through our organisation.  #leadingQI #QIHour
Bernard Crump (@wbsprofbc) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Q5. The tweet chat process has been an eyeopener. Must be one of the most effective and cost effective ways to get meaningful conversations about significant academic and policy findings. #QIhour #LeadingQI

Bernard Crump (@wbsprofbc) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thanks to all the sites that were part of the VMI partnership. Their generosity in helping us learn has been really important #QIhour #LeadingQI

WBS (@warwickbschool) 's Twitter Profile Photo

All resources (including summaries of each of our tweetchats) can be found on this website bit.ly/3TpuLgX. Thank you everyone! #LeadingQI #QIHour

NHS Providers (@nhsproviders) 's Twitter Profile Photo

At our upcoming #chairsceos, we’re hosting a session on fostering a culture of continuous improvement. Hear from Dr Nicola Burgess on insights gained from the Virginia Mason Institute and NHS Partnership evaluation, followed by an interactive session with UHCW NHS Trust's Professor Andy Hardy. ⬇️

Lesley Parkinson 💙 (@re__thinking) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Relationships matter. The habits in this book can help to foster compassionate and inclusive workplace cultures. Please share your thoughts and insights #pna #ftsu Available here: crownhouse.co.uk/restorative-pr… Dr Nicola Burgess Helen Bevan Amy Edmondson Brené Brown

Relationships matter.  The habits in this book can help to foster compassionate and inclusive workplace cultures.  Please share your thoughts and insights  #pna #ftsu  Available here:  crownhouse.co.uk/restorative-pr… <a href="/DrNicolaBurgess/">Dr Nicola Burgess</a> <a href="/HelenBevan/">Helen Bevan</a> <a href="/AmyCEdmondson/">Amy Edmondson</a> <a href="/BreneBrown/">Brené Brown</a>
NHS Providers (@nhsproviders) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Join us for #ChairsCEOs network! Taking place 14 September, the agenda includes: 🟠 a strategic policy update 🟠 an update from Amanda Pritchard 🟠 a session on building a culture of continuous improvement with Dr Nicola Burgess UHCW NHS Trust's Professor Andy Hardy. Book now ⬇️

Helen Bevan (@helenbevan) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Today WBS & NHS Horizons are hosting the first of two roundtables with NHS leaders on "how we can define and demonstrate (financial) value from improvement activity in the NHS". In many NHS organisations, there's a gap between the indicators used to gauge value in

Helen Bevan (@helenbevan) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We are also announcing the new WBS Centre for Health and Care Research, Impact and Improvement (CHIRON). Significant opportunities for research that makes a difference in practice for people who use services, care providers, leaders and organisations #LeadingQI

Dr Nicola Burgess (@drnicolaburgess) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Pleased to share our new ebook bringing together all blogs and sketches for each of the six lessons from the evaluation of the NHS partnership with Virginia Mason. Please take a look and share your thoughts! warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/wbs/re… #LeadingQI

Helen Bevan (@helenbevan) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I'm reposting the tweet I sent yesterday about the @sas_collective because I got the Twitter handle wrong: This is the end of #sasweek23, promoting & celebrating the work of SAS (Specialists, Associate Specialists & Specialty) doctors. The @sas_collective is a group of SAS

I'm reposting the tweet I sent yesterday about the @sas_collective because I got the Twitter handle wrong:
This is the end of #sasweek23, promoting &amp; celebrating the work of SAS (Specialists, Associate Specialists &amp; Specialty) doctors. The @sas_collective is a group of SAS
Dr Seán Paul Teeling (@drseanpteeling) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Looking forward to the 10th Annual National Lean Healthcare Symposium on November 10th in Croke Park. We're thrilled that the event is now sold out, but please do join our waiting list in case of cancellations. Looking forward to celebrating a decade of person-centred

Looking forward to the 10th Annual National Lean Healthcare Symposium on November 10th in Croke Park. We're thrilled that the event is now sold out, but please do join our waiting list in case of cancellations. Looking forward to celebrating a decade of person-centred
Helen Bevan (@helenbevan) 's Twitter Profile Photo

How can systems & organisations improve their capability for getting great outcomes on a sustainable basis? By implementing continuous improvement on a system-wide basis. So it's very helpful that The Health Foundation has published two new briefing papers: 1) Improvement as mainstream

How can systems &amp; organisations improve their capability for getting great outcomes on a sustainable basis? By implementing continuous improvement on a system-wide basis. So it's very helpful that <a href="/HealthFdn/">The Health Foundation</a> has published two new briefing papers:
1) Improvement as mainstream
Dr Nicola Burgess (@drnicolaburgess) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Looking forward to supporting this free workshop! Thank you for inviting me Lorelei Jones . Hoping to see lots of people there for some great conversation, connecting and learning #LeadingQI

Dr Joy Furnival CEng MIET 🐝 (@joyfurnival) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Do sign up, I will be sharing my knowledge and experience of practicing #Lean thinking in health and care over the last 18 years. Come and learn together #QI

Dr Iain Smith (@driainmsmith) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This new paper evaluates the Lean Fundamentals massive open online course (MOOC) that I designed and delivered for NHS England. The evaluation covers all levels of the Kirkpatrick framework including examples of impact and overall return-on-investment.

This new paper evaluates the Lean Fundamentals massive open online course (MOOC) that I designed and delivered for NHS England. The evaluation covers all levels of the Kirkpatrick framework including examples of impact and overall return-on-investment.