Dr Michelle Edwards
Research Fellow, Marie Curie Research Centre , Cardiff University
Patient Experience of Palliative Oncology, Death Literacy, Public Involvement and Engagement
ID: 1880192665
18-09-2013 16:59:40
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I'm going to run the Cardiff Half Marathon for Cardiff University a to contribute to cancer research. Please check out my JustGiving page and please donate if you can. Thank you! #JustGiving justgiving.com/page/michelle-…

💡Next steps The Lancet Value of Death💡 Free global webinar 11 Sept eu.eventscloud.com/ereg/index.php… Dr Ros Taylor 💜 M.R.Rajagopal Prof Katherine Sleeman Richard Smith Kathryn Mannix Lucy Selman Smriti Rana Christian Ntizimira Kelli Stajduhar Untangle Compassionate Communities Centre of Expertise Julian Abel Felicia Knaul St Christopher's

We've often discussed the need for schools to be grief aware. grief-informed and grief-capable. Here's a welcome initiative from The Art of Living and Dying Well Pass it on.

Absolutely thrilled to see #grief education on the draft #RSE guidance published today! Integrating grief education into schools will support bereaved children & help create a kinder more compassionate society. See our article: bereavementjournal.org/index.php/bcj/… Lucy Selman Rachel Hare

Libby Sallnow winning the post doctors researcher of the year award at #eapc2024! 👏👏👏 amazing vision and storytelling! “Dying is a social challenge with some medical components, not the other way around.” Inspiring! Public Health Palliative Care International

#EAPC2024 so lovely to meet up Dr Sabine Best and relax after Day 1 EAPC VZW congress. Marie Curie EOLC Marie Curie Research Centre, Cardiff Stephanie Sivell Dr Michelle Edwards Elin Baddeley Emily Harrop

Today marks launch of death literacy event. Marie Curie Research Centre, Cardiff Welcome by Dr Michelle Edwards