Dr. Tenisha Marcel-Herbert
Math Instructional Specialist #culturallyrelevantleader #iCOACH 👁❤️MATH & ED POLICY #thesetweetsaremyown #mathliteracy #elementaryANDsecondary #mathEQUITY 🧮
ID: 1139660336401911814
https://www.linkedin.com/in/t-m-h-87161225a/ 14-06-2019 22:26:12
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Caitlyn Jenner Bruce voted for Trump, Caitlyn would have known better than to vote against her own interests in favor of a non-inclusive society.
Can we just acknowledge that this lady has ran one of the most flawless campaigns in the history of presidential politics? 🤷 Well done, Vice President Kamala Harris Kamala Harris.