Laura Whitburn
Childbirth and pain researcher | Anatomist | Physiotherapist | Executive assistant to two small humans | @latrobe @MAPP_latrobe @JudithLumleyLTU
ID: 270848987
23-03-2011 11:03:12
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Burnout is highly prevalent among health practitioners 😔 The ‘good news’ is many factors associated w burnout in 🇦🇺 podiatrists are modifiable 📖 ⬇️ Thanks to co-authors: Anna Couch @TerryPHaines Hylton Menz Belinda O’Sullivan Prof Cylie Williams onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.10…

Our keynote for session four, Hazel Keedle, speaking on Birth Trauma and Obstetric violence in Australia: “women felt dehumanized, powerless and violated” #ASPOG24

Excited to be part of this important work, led by Prof Della Forster Judith Lumley Centre NHMRC funding to improve antenatal care latrobe.edu.au/news/articles/… #latrobeuni via La Trobe University

Further evidence that midwifery continuity of carer models should be expanded - for low-risk women, they are cost-neutral for hospitals and lead to significant cost savings for the public health system. gocm.bmj.com/content/4/2/e0… Judith Lumley Centre La Trobe Researchers

"You get to appreciate real anatomical variations and you get better at noticing intricacies and patterns within the body" - thoughts from an anatomy student in Microbiology, Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology latrobe.edu.au/news/announcem… #latrobeuni via La Trobe University

How do labour positions alter pelvic outlet dimensions? Read our article to find out. Led by Marissa Giannake, who complete this study during final year of midwifery degree - amazing work, Marissa! ThePractisingMidwife Australian Catholic University Microbiology, Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology Judith Lumley Centre

The brilliant mind of Dr Elizabeth Newnham sharing the development of ‘midwifery thinking’ and concepts relating to Somatophilic Rationality for Reproductive Justice. #ACM2024 Reach out to Liz if you are interested in the Humanising Birth Research Network 🌱 …phany.philosophyandtechnology.network/article/view/1…