Juan Carlos Cardenas MD FACP
Medical Director - GIM International Medicine Practice subsection @mayoclinic Florida/Opinions are my own// Instagram account: @dr.juancarlosmd (+10K followers)
ID: 1257209612
10-03-2013 14:52:41
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Save the date!! Sept 28, 2024! For Updates in IBD conference Mayo Clinic FL Great topics Amazing speakers Sun and Fun Sign up ce.mayo.edu/ibd2024 ACG American Gastroenterological Association (AGA) Crohn's & Colitis Foundation Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation IBD Pro Francis (Frank) Farraye, MD, MSc Jami Kinnucan, MD, FACG, AGAF, FCCF Edward Loftus Millie Long Sahil Khanna, MBBS, MS, FACG, AGAF (he/him) David T. Rubin, MD

Such a honor being part of an excellent medical event in Latin America at the XXVIII CONGRESO COLOMBIANO DE MEDICINA INTERNA ‘VISION Y VANGUARDIA’ in Cartagena, Colombia organized by Asociación Colombiana de Medicina Interna , great time to connect with my Colombian colleagues. Mayo Clinic GIM Florida Mayo Clinic

Great participation by Juan Carlos Cardenas MD FACP of the Mayo Clinic GIM Florida at the 28th Colombian Internal Medicine Meeting in Cartagena, Colombia! Mayo Clinic Mayo Clinic GIM Florida Clinica Mayo

Congratulations to Dacre Knight, MD, MS, FACP of the Mayo Clinic GIM Florida for such a great distinction from the EDS Society!

Congratulations to Joan M. Irizarry Alvarado, MD, FACP, DFPM of the Mayo Clinic GIM Florida who was recently highlighted at the Hospitalist site, the official publication of the Society of Hospital Medicine talking about the controversies in perioperative medicine. Please click link below… the-hospitalist.org/hospitalist/ar…

Today is #PkdAwaresnessDay On this day and every day, we collectively renew our commitment to accelerate innovation, research, health solutions, treatments & clinical practices that will slow the disease, make living with it tolerable, & eventually CURE it! PKD Foundation

Great presentation by Dacre Knight, MD, MS, FACP of the Mayo Clinic GIM Florida about the Evaluation of Human and Al Performance in Identifying Shared Decision-Making Themes from Clinical Encounters at the Department of Medicine Research and Innovation Day! Mayo Clinic GIM Florida Mayo Clinic

Great presentation by Nancy Safwan of the Mayo Clinic GIM Florida talking about Menozen: A Virtual Reality Program to Alleviate Vasomotor Symptoms at the Department of Medicine Research and Innovation Day! Mayo Clinic ChrisandraShufelt MD, MS, FACP, MSCP Stephanie Faubion

Great participation of Dacre Knight, MD, MS, FACP Nancy Safwan ChrisandraShufelt MD, MS, FACP, MSCP Ridwan Ahmad and Juan Carlos Cardenas MD FACP of the Mayo Clinic GIM Florida presenting their work at the Department of Medicine Research and Innovation Day at Mayo Clinic Florida! Mayo Clinic Mayo Clinic GIM Florida

Check out this video with Vishal Patel and myself answering commonly asked questions asked by our PKD community Mayo Clinic Nephrology PKD Foundation

Asi es! Una serie de casos super interesantes en realidad! Para los que se perdieron la sesion pueden visualizarla en el Int’l Society for Adult Congenital Heart Disease🌎 newsletter! isachd.org/membership Int’l Society for Adult Congenital Heart Disease🌎 SIAC ACC Media Center AHA Science