Jennifer McAnuff
Occupational therapist. Complex intervention research. Intensive support team for children & young people. Learning disability, autism, neurodisability.
ID: 1653516253842079745
https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jennifer-Mcanuff-2 02-05-2023 21:46:35
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Clear + detailed report of case before Mr Justice Hayden about whether it's in the best interests of a young man with a rare chromosomal disorder (trisomy-13) to have COVID vax. Excellent reporting So rare to get journalists in Court of Protection Thank you Rachel Roberts 🌸 💃✍️🧘♀️🍀✈️🗽

“You will ensure that all cases are progressed efficiently through the system within this fast paced environment” 🤖 Social work is about people, relationships, rights, hope, love, time. Let’s let social workers be social workers, not robots #WSWD2024🩷🌍 rewritingsocialcare.blog/recruiting-rob…

New paper! Navigating uncharted territory with a borrowed map: lessons from setting up the BATH‑OUT‑2 randomised controlled trial in adult social care and housing services in English local authorities rdcu.be/dCwgJ Phillip Whitehead NIHR School for Social Care Research RCOTSS Housing Foundations

Social worker Rachel Meade has been awarded £40,000 for injury to feelings against Social Work England and Westminster City Council, aggravated damages against both, and exemplary damages against SWE. thetimes.co.uk/article/social…

New research about demand and supply of OT, PT, SALT for children with SEND ⬇️ RCOT CYPF RCSLTResearch TheAPCP British Academy of Childhood Disability

The Challenging Behaviour Foundation National Strategy Day discussing diverse topics. Great sharing of innovations and practices. LDEngland Mencap NHS England

Exemplary, co-produced manifesto for Good Lives for people with learning disabilities. Please support and share widely RCOT_PLD Jennifer McAnuff Lisa Karen Scorer Joanna Grace

This is a long blog about an order for caesarean with chemical or physical restraint if deemed necessary (conditions specified). It is important. A rare case. But very important. Stay with it: read the three observer accounts. Trinity Wilson ThePractisingMidwife Royal College of Midwives 💙

My family was affected by prolonged disorder of consciousness last year. We hadn't a clue what to do, nor did the care team. Coma Research ensured my relative's best interests were assessed. She died with dignity as she'd have wanted. V happy to support this: justgiving.com/page/darren-sm…

Good to see research trickling through on occupational therapy-led home adaptations for children with intellectual disabilities. Aston Institute of Health & Neurodevelopment (IHN) can you put us in touch with Georgie about this? Dr Rachel Russell Foundations we can help with getting impact from this research 💪

Should the term "persistent vegetative state" be abolished? My response to Joshua Rozenberg reporting a judgment from Hayden J in his recent blog: rozenberg.substack.com/p/end-of-life-…