Matilda Frisk Torell
Internist & Cardiologist at Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg. Team physician. Researcher in Sports cardiology with focus on Sports-related SCA/SCD.
ID: 1764375216023629824
03-03-2024 19:40:36
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Cardiac screening of athletes - what age to begin? Our new cornerstone review just out in JSAMS #openaccess Amazing to work with world experts Kimberly Harmon Guido Pieles Flavio D'Ascenzi Tim Meyer sciencedirect.com/science/articl…

Great couple of days at #ESCCongress2024 with focus on #sportscardiology Jon Drezner David Niederseer

Very important work on apical hypertrophy definitions to be incorporated in further guidelines. 15 mm at the apex is far thicker than at the base, and lack of thickness tapering at apex might as well signify apical HCM. Bravo RebeccaHughes, James moon and team!

This is just 👌 Jonathan Kim, MD, MSc, FACC summarizes sportsrelated #SCA and #SCD and the rationale behind #preparticipationscreening including the use of #ECG

Great initiative! Inspired to implement a similar registry in Sweden! Hjärtuppropet are you in? #sportscardiology #preparticipationscreening #SCA #SCD #ECG

Honor to share the stage with 𝐃𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐫 𝐇𝐚𝐦𝐥𝐢𝐧 talking about #AEDs and the start of the NFL #SmartHeartSportsCoalition new 'AEDs for Youth' program. Learn more: smartheartsports.com. Avive Solutions #CoroMedical Good Morning America goodmorningamerica.com/culture/video/… via Good Morning America

#CRYResearch Predicting non-specific myocardial fibrosis in clinical setting in a large cohort of young and veteran athletes using a powerful machine learning model #MF Sanjay Sharma Prof Michael Papadakis academic.oup.com/eurjpc/article…