Danika Hill
Immunologist interested in T cells, antibodies, vaccines & global health. #StrepA #malaria Lab Head @MonashImmunol @MonashUni She/Her
ID: 828004124490752000
04-02-2017 22:15:41
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Now hiring to a project officer role for the PROPHECY study. Large MRFF funded clinical and scientific collaboration studying COVID vaccine responses in high risk populations.PROPHECY Study livehire.com/job/alfredheal… monash.edu/medicine/proph…

It’s happening again! Australian and New Zealand Society for Immunology Advanced Immunology School. Join us in Sydney for 3.5 days of cutting edge immunology research and career development. Expressions of interest now open. Close 19 Feb 2024.

So great to have this preprint out in the world. My first paper in this new field I love, #StrepA. Thanks to Josh Osowicki and Andrew Steer Murdoch Children's Research Institute (MCRI) for providing such a cool Strep A challenge model to study, & to all our coauthors, particularly Hannah Frost & Nikki Moreland

Are you a fan of #klebsiella genomics? Looking for a post-doc role? ...🥁 ... I'm recruiting! Join my team Translational Medicine at Monash University to help us build the first Klebsiella clone risk framework. See details here ⬇️ tinyurl.com/yrka232h Applications close June 9th. DM qs #klebNET Klebsiella Club

Congrats Olaf Perdijk and co-authors. So fantastic to see this beautiful work out in the world!

Chung lab Doherty Institute UniMelb MDHS is looking for an enthusiastic postdoc to research antibodies against infectious and autoimmune diseases. Please distribute! jobs.unimelb.edu.au/en/job/917481/…

Fantastic work April Raftery Hibbs Lab and co-authors! Monash University STM Department of Immunology

"Becoming a #Scientist: The Graphic Novel" is now live! Follow the inspiring stories of my amazing lab members at Cambridge University Cambridge Pathology. The diverse barriers they overcame, their #rolemodels, and their #motivation to enter science! Please share! issuu.com/adrian.liston/…

So excited this work is now out in the world! Huge potential to shape vaccine design strategies for poorly immunogenic epitopes. Congratulations Ali Dvorscek and Isaak Quast and the rest of the team. Access without paywall here: authors.elsevier.com/c/1joZ23qNrUxu…