Dr Claire Williams (@drcwilliams1) 's Twitter Profile
Dr Claire Williams


Associate Professor & Faculty Research Impact Lead, with a passion for science, brain injury, and cake. All views my own. She/Her.

ID: 458713186

linkhttps://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/medicine-health-life-science/psychology/williams-c/ calendar_today08-01-2012 21:32:40

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879 Following

Dr Claire Williams (@drcwilliams1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Please RT and consider participating if you can 🙏 We are running an online study exploring physical exercise and behaviour - more details below! You need to be resident in the UK & 18+ years of age. #ThankYou

Case Management Cym (@cmcymru) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A child with #ABI's education is all too often reliant on individuals rather than the systemic approach that's needed. Help make a change. If you're an educator, complete the survey below..... please. It's too important to leave to chance.

NABLES (@nables10) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A reminder that this vital survey to understand #ChildhoodABI in #Education is still open. Please take part here: swanseachhs.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_7X…… You will be automatically entered to a draw to win a place on an amazing Child Brain Injury Trust workshop!

A reminder that this vital survey to understand #ChildhoodABI in #Education is still open. 

Please take part here: swanseachhs.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_7X……

You will be automatically entered to a draw to win a place on an amazing <a href="/cbituk/">Child Brain Injury Trust</a> workshop!
United Kingdom Acquired Brain Injury Forum (@ukabif) 's Twitter Profile Photo

It was great to be part of the Chris Bryant ABI event at Parliament. What a turnout! More than 50 MPs attended & heard first hand from people living with an ABI to better understand what improvements are needed. Thanks to all who came. Your voices have been heard. #ABIStrategy

It was great to be part of the <a href="/RhonddaBryant/">Chris Bryant</a> ABI event at Parliament. What a turnout! More than 50 MPs attended &amp; heard first hand from people living with an ABI to better understand what improvements are needed. Thanks to all who came. Your voices have been heard. #ABIStrategy
NABLES (@nables10) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Good morning! We would love to reach as many parents, educators and MPs as possible to raise awareness of #ABI in #education. If you haven't already, please consider asking your colleagues to follow us on Twitter, and share our FREE resources: UKABIF.org.uk/NABLES Thankyou!

School of Psychology - Swansea Uni (@swanseapsych) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Professor Williams research has improved patient care for Acquired Brain Injury and is used in 18 countries🌎 World Leading Research like this informs the learning and teaching of our students➡️: swansea.ac.uk/psychology/qui… #Clearing23 #PsychologyClearing #SpaceAtSwansea #Alevels

Dr Claire Williams (@drcwilliams1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Huge congratulations to Dr Thomas Dr Hanna Thomas for successfully defending their #PhD today! Many thanks to the examiners - Prof Alison Wray & Dr Cris Izura. We are absolutely thrilled 🎉 Da Iawn! Rydym mor falch ☺️ Coleg Cymraeg Swansea Uni Postgraduate Research Office School of Psychology - Swansea Uni

Huge congratulations to Dr Thomas <a href="/hanna_e_thomas/">Dr Hanna Thomas</a> for successfully defending their #PhD today! 
Many thanks to the examiners - Prof Alison Wray &amp; Dr Cris Izura. 

We are absolutely thrilled 🎉
Da Iawn! Rydym mor falch ☺️
<a href="/colegcymraeg/">Coleg Cymraeg</a> <a href="/PGRSwansea/">Swansea Uni Postgraduate Research Office</a> <a href="/SwanseaPsych/">School of Psychology - Swansea Uni</a>
Dr Gaby Parker 💙 (@gabyvparker) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Looking for a role in #neuropsychology? Due to service developments & promotions we will have opportunities at B5, 7, 8a & 8b coming up in my service at Royal Free London in the coming months. Get in touch for an early informal chat if interested! #nhs #jobs

Looking for a role in #neuropsychology? Due to service developments &amp; promotions we will have opportunities at B5, 7, 8a &amp; 8b coming up in my service at <a href="/RoyalFreeNHS/">Royal Free London</a> in the coming months. Get in touch for an early informal chat if interested! #nhs #jobs
Dr Beckie Ward (@rebecca_ward_9) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our latest paper is out today fully open access! 👇👇 We used continuous measures of language exposure to see how individual profiles of bilingual experience impact language outcomes in children with Down syndrome @Esanoudaki Down's Syndrome Association RCSLT 💙 (a 🧵) tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.10…

Kay Ritchie (@kayritchiepsych) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This is good! Impact Case Studies (for the REF) are an important part of our work but do not represent all of the impacts achieved through our research as a sector. It’s important to support impact at every stage of the process, and build it in from the start of a project.

Dr Gaby Parker 💙 (@gabyvparker) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I've had a number of questions re: future of the #QICN following recent announcements from the BPS- please see an update statement re: the review of qualifications. Hopefully this reassures those currently engaged on courses a little for now bps.org.uk/news/review-bp…