Alice Han
ID physician @MIDCUSA - transforming private practice ID with an academic and lifestyle focus. Trained @RushCCH_ID. Opinions my own👩🏻⚕️🧫🩺
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https://midcusa.com/physician-careers/ 07-08-2021 22:05:57
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#IDtwitter What is your first line agent for CNS aspergillosis? This review suggests isavuconazole may be a viable option. But I don’t know what to make of these survival curves. Thoughts? Andrej Spec, MD, MSCI Neil Stone Ilan Schwartz MD PhD Todd C. Lee Gabe 🦊 academic.oup.com/cid/advance-ar…

#IDtwitter Any good studies on combination azole/L-AMB for extensive sino-orbital Mucorales? Andrej Spec, MD, MSCI Ilan Schwartz MD PhD Neil Stone Gabe 🦊

#IDTwitter Not sure how I missed this. Does the expansion of M1uk explain the increase of virulent iGAS post pandemic? And what’s happened in the US post 2021? Is anyone tracking this? Jonathan Ryder, MD Steven Tong Gabe 🦊 doi.org/10.1093/ofid/o… wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/29…

#IDtwitter Have you ever seen necrotizing granulomas with Q fever and does it change duration of treatment? Graeme Forrest Todd C. Lee Steven Tong Nico Cortes-Penfield MD FACP FIDSA 🦴💊 Gabe 🦊

#IDtwitter Words cannot express how this editorial made me feel 🥺 We have absolutely no idea the past and current experiences of people’s lives but I am incredibly grateful that Aldo shared this part of his life. Please read 🙏 Aldo Barajas-Ochoa, MD doi.org/10.1093/cid/ci…

I ❤️ this article. The filming of this against the background of white makes every movement pop! “Sometimes the truth that needs to be spoken doesn’t need to be verbal” I couldn’t stop smiling, watching the joy from movement/dance 😊 📣 on Caroline Kim nytimes.com/interactive/20…

Gabe 🦊 Todd C. Lee Brad Spellberg Jonathan Ryder, MD Nico Cortes-Penfield MD FACP FIDSA 🦴💊 Antibiotic Steward Bassam Ghanem 🅱️C🆔🅿️🌟 Alice Han Boris Jegorović, MD, PhD, DTM&H Bug Pharmacist 💊🧫 Tim Gauthier Emily McDonald Sébastien Poulin Monica Mahoney Erin McCreary Takahiro Matsuo (Taka), MD LBaddour Notes here: idiots.notion.site/UTI-Drug-Choic…

Fascinating RCT on failure of prophylactic FMT vs placebo to prevent recurrent c diff. Why do you think it didn’t work? doi.org/10.1093/cid/ci… Todd C. Lee Gabe 🦊 Ilan Schwartz MD PhD Javier A. Villafuerte Gálvez Jonathan Ryder, MD 1+