James Lee
Doctor, scientist, dad. Immunology, genomics and IBD. Tweets all my own!
ID: 38730244
08-05-2009 19:48:01
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We look forward to working with Keir Starmer and the incoming government to strengthen the UK science ecosystem in the coming years.

Sameh Emile, MD, FACS nature Steven D Wexner MD, PhD Nir Horesh Alaa El-Hussuna ZoeGaroufalia Rachell.Gefen Neil Smart Crohn's & Colitis Foundation Work led by my ex Cambridge gastroenterology colleague James Lee now The Crick Quite brilliant work, & pleased that his PhD student lead author is presenting this work RSM Coloproctology Section @ACPGBI Innovations in IBD meeting in London 13 September- register 👇rsm.ac.uk/events/colopro…

Congratulations to Leo Speidel for starting his independent lab in Tokyo this autumn! Highly recommended for anyone interested in PhD-studies or a postdoc in computational genomics!

Thank you Réme- Erin Mountifield - it was absolutely my pleasure. Great meeting and even better company!

Job Opportunity: Postdoctoral Research Associate in Health Data Science Location: Edinburgh, UK Institute of Genetics and Cancer Centre for Genomic and Experimental Medicine The University of Edinburgh We’re looking for a passionate Postdoctoral Research Associate to join our dynamic team focused on building predictive models for inflammatory