LeedsDPAC (@dpacleeds) 's Twitter Profile


Leeds Disabled People Campaigning for disabled people. Allies welcome. #socialmodel #nothingaboutuswithoutus #Disabledpeopleagainstcuts #disability

ID: 1570325102297812993

calendar_today15-09-2022 08:14:36

26 Tweet


45 Following

LeedsDPAC (@dpacleeds) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Is Enough is Enough inclusive enough? Some of us will be going to the campaign launch event tonight at Leeds Armouries to find out. We're meeting outside the entrance at 645pm if you'd like to join us. wesayenough.co.uk/events/#disabi… #leedsdpac #disabilityinclusion

LeedsDPAC (@dpacleeds) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"Those that cannot work, such as the sick, aged or unemployed, are subject to a tremendous pressure to feel useless…we reject any view of ourselves as being lucky to be allowed to live". Paul Hunt. UPIAS. 1966

"Those that cannot work, such as the sick, aged or unemployed, are subject to a tremendous pressure to feel useless…we reject any view of ourselves as being lucky to be allowed to live". Paul Hunt. UPIAS. 1966
LeedsDPAC (@dpacleeds) 's Twitter Profile Photo

New commission calls out to disabled people and people with long-term health conditions from Black, Asian, and minoritised ethnic groups to share their perspectives on the impact of the COVID-19 pendemic. Further info here: vodg.org.uk/.../vodg-commi…

The World Transformed (@twt_now) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📺 We need to talk about disability - TONIGHT! 📺 Ableism is rife in society - and in our movements. 🤠 offline micha frazer-carroll Shabaaz Mohammed @DisabledJess Sam Bosworth ♿🏳️‍🌈 discuss how the left can do better & how everyone benefits when we do❣️ ⏰ 7pm 👉🏽 youtu.be/5VFGGlhG9Fo

📺 We need to talk about disability - TONIGHT! 📺

Ableism is rife in society - and in our movements.

<a href="/sleepy_edi/">🤠 offline</a> <a href="/micha_frazer/">micha frazer-carroll</a> <a href="/shabaazmohammed/">Shabaaz Mohammed</a> @DisabledJess <a href="/_SamBosworth/">Sam Bosworth ♿🏳️‍🌈</a> discuss how the left can do better &amp; how everyone benefits when we do❣️

⏰ 7pm
👉🏽 youtu.be/5VFGGlhG9Fo
Paula Peters (@paulapeters2) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#ToriesKill22 #ToriesForeverKill @DisabledPeoplesAlliance had a die-in outside the Conservative party conference to highlight the horrendous impact of austerity, the pandemic, social care cuts on disabled peoples lives. There are over 300,000 deaths related to austerity cuts please RT

<a href="/DisabledPeople9/">@DisabledPeoplesAlliance</a> had a die-in outside the Conservative party conference to highlight the horrendous impact of austerity, the pandemic, social care cuts on disabled peoples lives.  There are over 300,000 deaths related to austerity cuts please RT
Leeds Disabled People’s Organisation (LDPO) (@leeds_dpo) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We are recruiting new committee members ready for our AGM on 24th October. If you are a disabled person living in Leeds please consider joining us. Email us as [email protected] for further information.

Cllr Jess Lennox (@cllrjesslennox) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🚂CROSSGATES STATION COMMUNITY DEMONSTRATION🚂 11am-1pm, Saturday 5th November, outside the Arndale on Station Road - join us to demonstrate that Crossgates does NOT want to see our ticket office closed. With RMT, LeedsDPAC, Unite - North East, Yorkshire and Humber Details: facebook.com/events/1170679…


11am-1pm, Saturday 5th November, outside the Arndale on Station Road - join us to demonstrate that Crossgates does NOT want to see our ticket office closed.

With <a href="/RMTunion/">RMT</a>, <a href="/DpacLeeds/">LeedsDPAC</a>, <a href="/UniteNEYH/">Unite - North East, Yorkshire and Humber</a>

Details: facebook.com/events/1170679…
LeedsDPAC (@dpacleeds) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Well done LDPO! Time to involve disabled people in the climate crisis discussion. Looking forward to the event on Monday. Hope to see some of you there.

LeedsDPAC (@dpacleeds) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Great to see Leeds DPO up and running. We're looking forward to working with them on the Leeds Disabled Voices Project

LeedsDPAC (@dpacleeds) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Calling all Leeds Disabled people: we want to hear your stories! Please contact us on [email protected]. See our facebook video to find out what the project is about. fb.watch/gzJ1QaMAYS/

Leeds LGBTQ+ Community Consortium (@lgbt_leeds) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This week at LLCC on Saturday the 10th of December we have our LGBT+ Songwriting Workshop, head to the link below to book on, or go to our website to see the other sessions we have this week! eventbrite.co.uk/e/lgbtq-songwr…

This week at LLCC on Saturday the 10th of December we have our LGBT+ Songwriting Workshop, head to the link below to book on, or go to our website to see the other sessions we have this week! 
LeedsDPAC (@dpacleeds) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Today stood in solidarity with the trans community with TransLeeds and others, to protest against the blocking of the gender recognition reform bill. Disabled people's rights are human rights, #transrightsarehumanrights #thisiswhatsolidaritylookslike

Today stood in solidarity with the trans community with <a href="/TransLeeds/">TransLeeds</a> and others, to protest against the blocking of the gender recognition reform bill. Disabled people's rights are human rights, #transrightsarehumanrights #thisiswhatsolidaritylookslike
Relish Hendy aka 💙Nanny Jen💙 (@relish_hendy) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Please listen, Retweet, comment and share. Jeremy Vine & Storm Huntley on 5 Jeremy Vine Your words and those of your panel have caused hurt and worry. Misleading stats re disabled unemployed people and zero inclusion of disabled people and or carers 1/3

LeedsDPAC (@dpacleeds) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Leeds DPAC is proud to stand in solidarity with other intersectional groups against far right hatred. Join us for the rally Saturday 12pm. Please share widely (alt text version available on our Facebook page).

Leeds DPAC is proud to stand in solidarity with other intersectional groups against far right hatred. Join us for the rally Saturday 12pm. Please share widely  (alt text version available on our Facebook page).