ID: 1650860484999118853
calendar_today25-04-2023 13:53:13
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a year ago
Okay, I thought. Its only fifteen dollars more. I am Indian after all, and Indians like
The Testnet went off without a hitch! I didn't have any issues with deposits or exchanging
This is awesome project and working fine
He had given me his first direct compliment about my looks. While working on El Casa we
Champagne, madam, just as you ordered, the waiter . He poured two glasses and put the bottle
This is a special project and project's testnet has an impressive interface, very good processing speed
My phone rang again. This was my mother.
I have not tried. Was waiting for you.
I am twenty-one, . I havent even done my masters yet.
My phone buzzed. WhatsApp message from Neel.
I nodded. He went into the bedroom. I looked out of the window. The sea was silent behind
e are stuck in this MegaBowl deal, Jonathan Husky, vice president and my boss in the
I nodded.
Maybe he is just upset, I told myself. But he had seemed so cold and firm when he spoke to me.
I smiled back, shaking my head. My phone buzzed again.
You should.
Hey, just one thing. Doesnt have to be today, .
Yes. Whats up?
A hundred and fifty.
I'm joining #Port3 Community IDO to earn #whitelist x.com/Port3Network/s…