dominic wiseman
| 6’1 300 DT| 2 Years of eligibility| Reiver FB
ID: 1105188743982579712
11-03-2019 19:28:24
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Mid Season Tape❗️❗️ hudl.com/v/2QLY31 Tristan Speer Kendrick Davis Coach Thomas

Highest Graded Defensive Player from Week 7: 🟡 Aaron Graves, Iowa: 94.9 Hawkeye Football

I am blessed to receive an offer from the university of liberty Tony Washington Harrison Smith Jr

Blessed to receive an offer from The University of Alabama at Birmingham!!(UAB) GO Blazers!! Kendrick Davis Luke Schultheiss Velocity Football Academy™ Scott Strohmeier

#AGTG I have received my 8th d1 offer from Akron! Thank you Jesus Christ !@StormentJeff Vaughn VanDame Tristan Speer

Indy Highlights Aaron Terry JuCo Football Forer

Blessed to receive an offer from the University of South Florida!! Go Bulls!!!@Coach_KD75 Luke Schultheiss Velocity Football Academy™ Scott Strohmeier

Not possible without my Coaches and teammates by my side, not done yet! Throw It Deep Tom Loy Allen Trieu Adam Gorney UNI Football Trey Tinsley

Blessed to receive an offer from Temple University!! Go Owls‼️ Velocity Football Academy™ Luke Schultheiss Temple University Scott Strohmeier