D&D Adventurers League
@Wizards_DnD organized play system. Where friendships are forged at the table. #DnD #DDAL
Discord: discord.gg/dnd | Join AL channels in # server-rules
ID: 2514232914
https://dnd.wizards.com/adventurers-league 22-05-2014 02:25:48
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Join in the Liar's Night Festivities for D&D Adventurers League -- they had a special reward in a Choose Your Own Adventure style story last year, that I adapted to a slightly easier to navigate format: hoshisabi.com/liars-night-20…

Looking for some Adventurer's League fun? Starting today & running through Nov 14th, Dungeon Masters Guild is having a 20% off sale on all things AL. Vecna wants you to check it out & he wouldn't steer you wrong, would he? dmsguild.com/sale.php?&filt…

You can grab community Dungeoncraft and official D&D Adventurers League adventures and storylines for your local Adventurer's League tables or to take to your next Con! All 20% right now on #DMsGuild! dmsguild.com/sale.php?src=d…

Begin with the familiar story of Lost Mine of Phandelver then delve into the perilous Underdark! Preorder Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk digital + physical bundle at sale price today to unlock early access and exclusive perks on D&D Beyond: spr.ly/6018PWmok