D&D Adventurers League (@dnd_advleague) 's Twitter Profile
D&D Adventurers League


@Wizards_DnD organized play system. Where friendships are forged at the table. #DnD #DDAL
Discord: discord.gg/dnd | Join AL channels in # server-rules

ID: 2514232914

linkhttps://dnd.wizards.com/adventurers-league calendar_today22-05-2014 02:25:48

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4,4K Following

D&D Adventurers League (@dnd_advleague) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Did I mention that we've been busy? The #DDAL Red Seeds adventure, DDAL-DRW-INT-04 Tales of Fang and Claw by @Novaree is now also available on the DMsGuild! dmsguild.com/product/413446…

Did I mention that we've been busy? The #DDAL Red Seeds adventure, DDAL-DRW-INT-04 Tales of Fang and Claw by @Novaree is now also available on the DMsGuild! dmsguild.com/product/413446…
D&D Adventurers League (@dnd_advleague) 's Twitter Profile Photo

And to go with the new adventures (DRW-INT-03 & 04), we've updated our Oct. Yawning Portal blog adventure release date post. That's 4 new adventures in Oct! yawningportal.dnd.wizards.com/blog/adventure…

D&D Adventurers League (@dnd_advleague) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Happy Liars Night! Play Liars Night adventures and Wandering Monster encounters from now through January 1st! Earn candy corns and trade them for The Kernel's Wares! Details and a link to the celebrations here: yawningportal.dnd.wizards.com/blog/happy-lia…

D&D Adventurers League (@dnd_advleague) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The Liars Night carnival is back! Click through the thread, one by one, choosing your own path through tent attractions, candy corn, and many surprises.

Daniel E. Chapman II (@hoshisabi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Join in the Liar's Night Festivities for D&D Adventurers League -- they had a special reward in a Choose Your Own Adventure style story last year, that I adapted to a slightly easier to navigate format: hoshisabi.com/liars-night-20…

D&D Adventurers League (@dnd_advleague) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Looking for some Adventurer's League fun? Starting today & running through Nov 14th, Dungeon Masters Guild is having a 20% off sale on all things AL. Vecna wants you to check it out & he wouldn't steer you wrong, would he? dmsguild.com/sale.php?&filt…

Dungeon Masters Guild (@dms_guild) 's Twitter Profile Photo

You can grab community Dungeoncraft and official D&D Adventurers League adventures and storylines for your local Adventurer's League tables or to take to your next Con! All 20% right now on #DMsGuild! dmsguild.com/sale.php?src=d…

You can grab community Dungeoncraft and official <a href="/DnD_AdvLeague/">D&D Adventurers League</a> adventures and storylines for your local Adventurer's League tables or to take to your next Con! All 20% right now on #DMsGuild!

D&D Adventurers League (@dnd_advleague) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Don't forget, you can still download our AL Liar's Nights of the past through Jan. 1st 2023! All the haunted goodness. dmsguild.com/product/413863…

D&D Adventurers League (@dnd_advleague) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We're releasing a few important updates to #DDAL! Including new campaigns, new dungeoncraft, Player's & DM's Guide updates! All information can be found on our official discord until after the new year. yawningportal.dnd.wizards.com/blog/new-rules…

D&D Adventurers League (@dnd_advleague) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The Yawning Portal has another lovely update for you - this time about Keys to the Golden Vault's adaptation guide for AL. Check it out! yawningportal.dnd.wizards.com/blog/keys-from…

Dungeons & Dragons (@wizards_dnd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Begin with the familiar story of Lost Mine of Phandelver then delve into the perilous Underdark! Preorder Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk digital + physical bundle at sale price today to unlock early access and exclusive perks on D&D Beyond: spr.ly/6018PWmok

Begin with the familiar story of Lost Mine of Phandelver then delve into the perilous Underdark!

Preorder Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk digital + physical bundle at sale price today to unlock early access and exclusive perks on <a href="/DnDBeyond/">D&D Beyond</a>: spr.ly/6018PWmok
Dungeons & Dragons (@wizards_dnd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Time is running out, the #DnD Back to School Sale ends this weekend. Save up to 40% on digital + physical bundles and more: spr.ly/6011PfBFN

Time is running out, the #DnD Back to School Sale ends this weekend.

Save up to 40% on digital + physical bundles and more: spr.ly/6011PfBFN
D&D Adventurers League (@dnd_advleague) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We have exciting news here at D&D's Adventurers League! Come celebrate in 2024 Gary Con for D&D's 50th anniversary w/us & SixSidesofGaming in Legacy of Worlds. So many amazing people involved, we can't even tell you all of them yet! yawningportal.dnd.wizards.com/blog/celebrate…

D&D Adventurers League (@dnd_advleague) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Legacy of Worlds is traveling the multiverse! Be a part of the adventure Gary Con on 3/23/24 as part of a special Planescape AL epic! Then watch LIVE Sat. night as some of the most famous characters in TTRPG's deal with the fallout created by you!

Legacy of Worlds is traveling the multiverse! Be a part of the adventure <a href="/GaryCon/">Gary Con</a> on 3/23/24 as part of a special Planescape AL epic! Then watch LIVE Sat. night as some of the most famous characters in TTRPG's deal with the fallout created by you!
D&D Adventurers League (@dnd_advleague) 's Twitter Profile Photo

What's that? A new international Premier Organizer for #DDAL? You don't say! Check out our new Yawning Portal blog post to learn all about the Greasy Snitches in the Philippines! yawningportal.dnd.wizards.com/blog/welcome-t…

D&D Adventurers League (@dnd_advleague) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A new dawn, a new day for #DDAL! Adventurers League can now be found with support on DnDBeyond. What is AL? dndbeyond.com/posts/1676-wha…

D&D Adventurers League (@dnd_advleague) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Proxy Hunt, the #DDAL special Epic premiering #GaryCon has added Joe Raso to the writing team! Check out what happens before & after the Epic with Legacy of Worlds - the 1st episode is ready for premier. youtube.com/watch?v=1BwDRd…