Donna (@dnbwrites) 's Twitter Profile


I write, observe the world and study people....intuitive wife, mother and student at PWN currently writing a memoir.

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calendar_today01-04-2015 19:52:52

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Donna (@dnbwrites) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I'm holding my characters close to my heart in my first draft of my manuscript. Thank you @BookIncOrg for making this dream come true. More to come!ā€¦

K-LOVE (@kloveradio) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Be thankful in all circumstances! Letā€™s start this new month with thanksgiving. What are you thankful for? šŸ™

Donna (@dnbwrites) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Being a writer means being a supportive listener and giver of honest feedback to other writers. Reading manuscripts with an open mind is a great way to write better and help others succeed!#amwriting #memoirincubator #bookinc #projectwritenow

Donna (@dnbwrites) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I noticed my face is falling down. Could it be from looking down to write my memoir? Aging is not for the timid but neither is finishing your first draft!#amwriting #bookinc #ourriverhousedays

Donna (@dnbwrites) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I passed by the home I grew up in, and the memories came flooding back. #amwriting #bookinc #projectwritenow #whereitallbegan #ourriverhousedays

I passed by the home I grew up in, and the memories came flooding back. #amwriting #bookinc #projectwritenow #whereitallbegan #ourriverhousedays
Donna (@dnbwrites) 's Twitter Profile Photo

After working at CBS out of college, I began learning the differences between news stories. Today I donā€™t sit on either side but hang in the middle. That doesnā€™t mean I donā€™t have an opinion. I do. I look at all sides like I did when CBS NBC and ABC were stacked side by side.

Donna (@dnbwrites) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The veil has been lifted- people are trying to find their life instead of living. Itā€™s splayed in front of them, and they canā€™t see how beautiful it is. Just take a minute, stop, and look around. Be brave like the glorious sunset, the early crocus, or the seal pup.

The veil has been lifted- people are trying to find their life instead of living. Itā€™s splayed in front of them, and they canā€™t see how beautiful it is. Just take a minute, stop, and look around. Be brave like the glorious sunset, the early crocus, or the seal pup.
Donna (@dnbwrites) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I'm noticing writers are being bullied, censored, and replaced. Good for you maggie tokuda-hall (updates only) for standing your ground. I applaud you. šŸ‘ā€¦

Donna (@dnbwrites) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I read a great essay in The Free Press that evoked many emotions for a mother of twins. It's beautiful Max Meyer I'm 23 Years Old. And I've Bought A Farm.

Donna (@dnbwrites) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Watched Shelter In Solitude Encouraging all to experience this powerful movie. This message written and acted by Siobhan Fallon Hogan needs to get out to the masses. GO!

Donna (@dnbwrites) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Just finished reading Ann Napolitano's Hello Beautiful. Her story spoke to me in a profound way. I read it in record time for a writer who reads slowly. I felt like she told me this story as she sat next to me as we took a ride in her car. Highly recommend.

Pray The Rosary (@praytherosary12) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Saint Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl

Saint Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host,
by the power of God
cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits
who prowl