Aditya Shekhar
occasional helicopter pilot #learncpr @IcahnMountSinai @HMSBioethics @CRSBIDMC
ID: 889890139283087361
25-07-2017 16:48:37
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So excited to see 2+ years of work finally in print! In this review, we cover a number of clinical trials testing a traditional herbal medicine (Shenfu) in critical illness. Fun-fact: I wrote the 1st draft of this manuscript on a Delta flight. Noa Berlin Mike Donnino, MD Katherine Berg

In this registry analysis of pts with cardiac arrest due to overdose vs. other causes, in pts presenting with nonshockable rhythms, those with overdoses had better outcomes. #AHAJournals Aditya Shekhar Ryan Coute Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai UAB Emergency Medicine ahajrnls.org/3I4gtyQ

Exciting work on false electrical capture during transcutaneous pacing for unstable bradycardia. We found many patients transported by an EMS system in NY had false capture. Takeaway: new strategies (other than pulse palpation) needed to reliably verify capture. Joshua Kimbrell

Our analysis led by Ryan Coute showed drug overdose cardiac arrest was associated with a 2.5x greater lifetime productivity loss compared with non-OD cardiac arrest. NAEMSP Michael Christopher Kurz MD MS In Prehospital Emergency Care: tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.10…

We compared infant out-of-hospital cardiac arrest based on time-of-day and day-of-week. Weekdays associated with higher ROSC (day>night but dif not quite sig). Daytime had more males, cardiac etiologies, and unwitnessed arrests. Ryan Coute Joshua Kimbrell sciencedirect.com/science/articl…

In Resuscitation Plus, we compared OHCA cases responded to by ground ambulance with cases responded to by HEMS in the US. OHCA treated by HEMS: more likely to be male, White, <60 yrs & <18 yrs, traumatic etiology, witnessed, and initially-shockable. AMPA UChicago EM

159 seconds. That's the average time savings attributable to lights and siren use by ambulance. Jeff Clement and I conducted a scoping review of 9 studies that directly compared drive time with lights/siren vs. no lights/siren across the same route. emerald.com/insight/conten…

We examined 844,021 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests. Here’s what wasn’t documented. Resuscitation Plus Joshua Kimbrell Sanjay Pujar MD Ethan Abbott, DO, MSCR, FACEP sciencedirect.com/science/articl…

We looked at 6 years worth of ambulance transports from D1 college football games at UMN (go gophers!) — here’s what we found. Avg of 0.8 BLS and 0.3 ALS transports per game. Median age 22 yrs, alcohol involved in ~50%, and 32% with GCS<15. Jeff Clement Robert Ball 🇺🇸