Diane Riddell, MS, APR (she/her) (@dianenriddell) 's Twitter Profile
Diane Riddell, MS, APR (she/her)


PhD candidate @uottawa @cmnuo. Canadian. Mom to some amazing humans. Grad of @JournalismTMU & @SUComMgt.

ID: 1495336147

calendar_today09-06-2013 11:10:13

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Diane Riddell, MS, APR (she/her) (@dianenriddell) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I am conducting #PhD thesis research on how #PR/communications practitioners in #Canada experience technostress. Full-time practitioners with 3 or more years of experience who respond to work demands after regular work hours are invited to participate. uottawapsy.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_87…

Diane Riddell, MS, APR (she/her) (@dianenriddell) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Je mène une recherche dans le cadre de mon doctorat sur le technostress en relations publiques. Praticien.nes à temps plein avec 3 ans d'expérience ou plus qui répondent aux demandes après les heures de travail sont invité.es à participer. uottawapsy.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_87…

CMNUO (@cmnuo) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Félicitations ! Congratulations to CMNUO Professor Elizabeth (not Liz) Dubois who has been awarded the University of Ottawa Research Chair in Politics, Communication and Technology Plus de détails ici : FR: droittech.uottawa.ca/nouvelles/eliz… uOttawa Arts uOttawaJOU

Diane Riddell, MS, APR (she/her) (@dianenriddell) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I attended in-person. Some great food for thought. My key takeaway: most people are still using AI in very predictable - if somewhat useful - and unimaginative ways. We need more vision and out-of-the-box thinking.

Diane Riddell, MS, APR (she/her) (@dianenriddell) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I am conducting my doctoral thesis research on how Canadian public relations professionals experience technostress. I am still gathering data. To learn more, see if you meet the inclusion criteria and if so, start a survey: uottawapsy.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_87…

Diane Riddell, MS, APR (she/her) (@dianenriddell) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Je mène une étude pour ma thèse de doctorat sur la façon dont les professionnels canadiens des relations publiques vivent le technostress. Je continue à recueillir des données. Vérifiez si vous répondez aux critères d'inclusion et si oui, participez: uottawapsy.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_87….

Diane Riddell, MS, APR (she/her) (@dianenriddell) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A month ago, I bought a subscription to get weekly home delivery of a Saturday national newspaper. I love it. As a former print reporter, I have to say today's print newspapers look better, are more colourful, and include some really great writing, especially the longer features

Diane Riddell, MS, APR (she/her) (@dianenriddell) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I'm working on my thesis research Université d'Ottawa | University of Ottawa. If you or someone you know is a full-time public relations/communications professional in Canada, could you please participate in my survey and/or share the information below? uOttawa Arts CMNUO Diplômés uOttawa Alumni

Diane Riddell, MS, APR (she/her) (@dianenriddell) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Je travaille ma recherche doctorale Université d'Ottawa | University of Ottawa. Si vous ou quelqu'un que vous connaissez est professionnel des relations publiques/communications à temps plein au Canada, pourriez-vous participer à mon enquête et/ou partager l'info ci-dessous ? uOttawa Arts CMNUO Diplômés uOttawa Alumni

Diane Riddell, MS, APR (she/her) (@dianenriddell) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This. It’s #figureskating season. Check out the instagram video shared below. There are powerful and very clear lessons in it for us all.

CMNUO (@cmnuo) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Aujourd'hui de midi à 13h00. Pause-Café le mercredi 23 novembre dans le lobby du Desmarais. On vous invite à venir prendre un café avec nous et obtenir des informations sur nos programmes de 2e et 3e cycles. CGSAÉDC uOttawa AÉÉC-CSA uOttawa Arts May Telmissany مي التلمساني Luc Bonneville

Aujourd'hui de midi à 13h00. Pause-Café le mercredi 23 novembre dans le lobby du Desmarais. On vous invite à venir prendre un café avec nous et obtenir des informations sur nos programmes de 2e et 3e cycles. <a href="/CGSAEDC/">CGSAÉDC</a> <a href="/aeeccsa/">uOttawa AÉÉC-CSA</a> <a href="/uOttawaArts/">uOttawa Arts</a> <a href="/maytelmissany/">May Telmissany مي التلمساني</a> <a href="/bonneville_luc/">Luc Bonneville</a>
CMNUO (@cmnuo) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Today from noon till 1 pm. Coffee-Break on Wednesday, November 23 in the Desmarais lobby. We invite you to come have a coffee with us and learn more about our graduate programs. uOttawa Arts CGSAÉDC uOttawa AÉÉC-CSA uOInternational uOttawaJOU

Today from noon till 1 pm. Coffee-Break on Wednesday, November 23 in the Desmarais lobby. We invite you to come have a coffee with us and learn more about our graduate programs. 
<a href="/uOttawaArts/">uOttawa Arts</a>
<a href="/CGSAEDC/">CGSAÉDC</a>
<a href="/aeeccsa/">uOttawa AÉÉC-CSA</a>
<a href="/uOttawa_Intl/">uOInternational</a>
<a href="/UOttawaJOU/">uOttawaJOU</a>
Diane Riddell, MS, APR (she/her) (@dianenriddell) 's Twitter Profile Photo

So proud of my #PhD colleagues CMNUO @uottawa, Université d'Ottawa | University of OttawaArts, four of whom have defended or are defending their thesis before mid-December. Upon successful completion, these will be the first graduates of our PhD in Communication program. Go team!

Diane Riddell, MS, APR (she/her) (@dianenriddell) 's Twitter Profile Photo

First concert I ever saw was a Neil Diamond concert when I was 14. I went with a friend just a couple of years older than I was who loved his music. I still remember that concert fondly. #indvsbang memories #NeilDiamond

Diane Riddell, MS, APR (she/her) (@dianenriddell) 's Twitter Profile Photo

My submission didn't get through for #ica23 but I am really appreciative of the detailed and helpful feedback I received from reviewers in ICA PR Division. I read one of the articles suggested this morning.