Desta Haileselassie Hagos (@destahhagos) 's Twitter Profile
Desta Haileselassie Hagos



Tigrayan. I love music and the sound of water. My mother is the ultimate hero of my life. Views expressed are my own.

ID: 41986761

calendar_today23-05-2009 06:18:06

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Desta Haileselassie Hagos (@destahhagos) 's Twitter Profile Photo

ጌታቸው ረዳ ዝኣተዎ መፅበዓታት ፈፂሙ ዶ? ብ ሓውና ጋዜጠኛ ደስታ ገብረመድህን (Desta Gebremedhin) ዝቐረበ ፅብቡቕ ፀብፃብ ኣዳምፁሉ ፤ ናብ ካልኦት እውን ነባፅሐሉ።… #ግምትኣብሓደዓመት

Berhane Negussie (@brinnium) 's Twitter Profile Photo

ኣብ መቐለ ሓወልቲ ሰማእታት! * መጋቢት 14ን 15ን *** ሙሉእ ኣታዊኡ ንህፁፅ ምላሽ ትግራይ ** ንጀጋኑ ተጋደልትና ክትጋብዝዎም ትደልዩ ብ0914440440 ደዊልኩም ንጋዜጠኛ በረኸት "ቤኪ" መኮንን (ቀዛሕታ) ርኸብዎ። ** ዛንታና ናረኣና ንህዝብና ንሓግዝ!

ኣብ መቐለ ሓወልቲ ሰማእታት!
* መጋቢት 14ን 15ን
*** ሙሉእ ኣታዊኡ ንህፁፅ ምላሽ ትግራይ
** ንጀጋኑ ተጋደልትና ክትጋብዝዎም ትደልዩ ብ0914440440 ደዊልኩም ንጋዜጠኛ በረኸት "ቤኪ" መኮንን (ቀዛሕታ) ርኸብዎ።
** ዛንታና ናረኣና ንህዝብና ንሓግዝ!
Berhane Negussie (@brinnium) 's Twitter Profile Photo

ተናዊሑ | POSTPONED ኣዳራሽ ሓወልቲ ሰማእታት ብኻልኦት መደባት ብምትሓዙ ምኽንያት፥ "ዘይተቐደሰ" ፊልምና ክነርኢ ሒዝናዮ ዝነበርና መደብ ተናዊሑ ኣሎ። ንዝተፈጠረ ዓንቀፍቀፍ ይቕሬታ ንሓትት። ዝረኣየሉ ዕለት ንቕድሚት ክነፍልጥ 'ና።

ኣዳራሽ ሓወልቲ ሰማእታት ብኻልኦት መደባት ብምትሓዙ ምኽንያት፥ "ዘይተቐደሰ" ፊልምና ክነርኢ ሒዝናዮ ዝነበርና መደብ ተናዊሑ ኣሎ። 
ንዝተፈጠረ ዓንቀፍቀፍ ይቕሬታ ንሓትት። 
ዝረኣየሉ ዕለት ንቕድሚት ክነፍልጥ 'ና።
Desta Haileselassie Hagos (@destahhagos) 's Twitter Profile Photo

ሓገዝኩም - ጨፍጫፍ ቢሶበር ========//============ ኣብዚ ኣተሓሒዘዮ ዘልለኹ ዜና ከም እትርእዩዎ ብ 14 ሕዳር 2020 (ብ ኣቆፃፅራ ኣውሮፓውያን) ኣብ ቢሶበር (ደቡብ ትግራይ) ወላዲኡ ን ምድሓን ክብል ብ ግፍዒ ዝተረሸነ 15 ዓመት ዝዕድመኡ ቆልዓ ሓዊሱ ጠቕላላ

Martin Plaut (@martinplaut) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"Only Amharic or Leave Quick!": Linguistic Genocide in the Western Tigray Region of Ethiopia…

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (@drtedros) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Amid fragile security and deteriorating humanitarian conditions, especially in health and nutrition, the people of Irob and Zalambessa in Tigray, Ethiopia, continue to be harassed and intimidated by Eritrean forces, including to forcibly change their identities. Lasting peace

Desta Haileselassie Hagos (@destahhagos) 's Twitter Profile Photo

ሓገዝኩም፡ ግዳያት ስእነት መድሓኒትን ምግብን ========//======================= ኲናት ፅንተት ትግራይ ካብ ዝእወጅ ንድሓር ብ ሰንኪ ስእነት መድሓኒትን ብ ስእነት ምግብን ምኽንያት ናይ ዝሞቱ ግዳያት ወገናትና በዚ ኣብ ታሕቲ ኣተሓሒዘዮ ዘልለኹ ቅጥዒ

Desta Haileselassie Hagos (@destahhagos) 's Twitter Profile Photo

ወረዳ ጉሎመኸዳ - ቁሸት ዓጠቀና ===========//=========== ተወለድቲ ወረዳ ጉሎመኸዳ ጣብያ 'ኣዲስ ተስፋ' ቁሸት- ዓጠቀና ዝኾንኩም ወይ ድማ ቤተሰብኩም ሐዚ ኣብዚ ከባቢ ዘለዉኹም ወገናትና እንተሃሊኹም ብ ውሽጢ መስመር ክትደሃዩኒ ብትሕትና ይሓትት።

Berhane Negussie (@brinnium) 's Twitter Profile Photo

ደቂ ዓደይ... ኣብ "ዛንታና" ዝብል ናይ ዩቱብ ቻናለይ ብዛዕባ ትግራይን ተጋሩን ዝሰርሖም መደባት ክትከታተሉ ይዕድመኩም! #ZantanaVodcast Click the link to subscribe and explore! 🚀 #ZantanaYouTube #Vodcasts

ደቂ ዓደይ... ኣብ "ዛንታና" ዝብል ናይ ዩቱብ ቻናለይ ብዛዕባ ትግራይን ተጋሩን ዝሰርሖም መደባት ክትከታተሉ ይዕድመኩም!

Click the link to subscribe and explore! 🚀
#ZantanaYouTube #Vodcasts
Desta Haileselassie Hagos (@destahhagos) 's Twitter Profile Photo

ኲናት ፅንተት ትግራይ - ስነዳ ==============//===== ኣብ ኢድና ዝነበረ ግዳያት ስቪልያን እንዳፅፈፍና ከም ብ ሓዱሽ ምስናድ ጀሚርና ኣለና እሞ ክሳብ ሐዚ ዝመዝገብናዮም እትፈልጡዎም ወይ ድማ ቤተሰብኩም ናይ ዝኾኑ ግዳያት ብጌጋ ዝመዝገብናዮ ሓበሬታ

Rowena (@rowenakahsay) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I am glad to have coordinated today’s inaugural meeting the for soon-to-be All-Party Parliamentary Group on Tigray. A huge thank you to the parliamentarians who were in attendance and for the continued support.

I am glad to have coordinated today’s inaugural meeting the for soon-to-be All-Party Parliamentary Group on Tigray.

A huge thank you to the parliamentarians who were in attendance and for the continued support.
Rita (@atiryashak) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I went to Zalambessa last week, this school was the only functional school it was led by volunteers, no one was free to speak, it was a ghost town still violently occupied by Eritrean troops. While I spend a joyful Easter,I can’t imagine how these children are spending today💔

I went to Zalambessa last week, this school was the only functional school it was led by volunteers, no one was free to speak, it was a ghost town still violently occupied by Eritrean troops. While I spend a joyful Easter,I can’t imagine how these children are spending today💔
Berhane Negussie (@brinnium) 's Twitter Profile Photo

“ዘይተቐደሰ” ግንቦት 25 ኣብ መቐለ ክትምረቕያ። ኣብ ሙሉእ ትግራይ ተራእዩ ዝርከብ ሙሉእ እቶት ድማ ንሕውየት አዶታት ትግራይ ዝውዕል እዩ። ብኣዶታትኩም ሽም ንጀጋኑ ተጋደልትና መእተዊ ትኬት ክትጋብዙ ንዕድመኩም። ንተወሳኺ ሓበሪታ ሕውየት

“ዘይተቐደሰ” ግንቦት 25 ኣብ መቐለ ክትምረቕያ። ኣብ ሙሉእ ትግራይ ተራእዩ ዝርከብ ሙሉእ እቶት ድማ ንሕውየት አዶታት ትግራይ ዝውዕል እዩ። 
ብኣዶታትኩም ሽም ንጀጋኑ ተጋደልትና መእተዊ ትኬት ክትጋብዙ ንዕድመኩም። 
ንተወሳኺ ሓበሪታ <a href="/MeseretHadush/">ሕውየት</a>