Dominick Tolipano
Denton Avenue Elementary School
ID: 1448652552363331588
14-10-2021 14:11:18
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Excited to have AJ Juliani in Herricks Schools today to work with our elementary educators on inquiry & project based learning! Really appreciate the notion of “Guide On The Ride” (as opposed to Guide on Side) - learning so much today! #WeAreHerricks

Perseverance #choiceboard ! Ss continued our Second Step Programs lesson on helpful thoughts! Ss made their own perseverance songs in . and Flip Events and even made visual reminders for when things get challenging! Dr. Sinanis Sup Lily Ho Dominick Tolipano

We had such a great time on our field trip to the Cradle of Aviation! Dominick Tolipano Lily Ho Herricks Schools Dr. Sinanis Sup

We fell in love with our books while reading with our buddies! Dr. Sinanis Sup Lily Ho Mrs. Lombardi

So excited to share our recognition as an Exemplary High Performing National Blue Ribbon School. Dr. Sinanis Sup Lily Ho Herricks Schools

Balloons Over Broadway! 🎈 Today we had our annual Thanksgiving Parade! Dominick Tolipano Lily Ho Herricks Schools Dr. Sinanis Sup

Nothing like starting the day with the sweet sounds of the Denton Avenue Band! Dr. Sinanis Sup Lily Ho Denton Ave PTA

Real World Math Problems with Joanna Picone! How many candles would you need for the 8 nights of Hanukah? 🕎 Creating third grade problem solvers! Robert Kaplinsky Dominick Tolipano Herricks Schools

“The key to learning styles isn’t to find a single best way for a student to learn, it’s to find all the ways all students can learn.” Joanna Picone Lily Ho Dominick Tolipano Robert Kaplinsky Dr. Sinanis Sup

Fourth graders Dominick Tolipano enjoying a little “Ring & Pin” and “Atenaha” Lily Ho Dr. Sinanis Sup Herricks Schools

4th graders journeyed into Native Ameican/Eastern Woodlands territory right here at Denton Avenue. They played Native American games and experienced what life was like. Lily Ho Dr. Sinanis Sup Herricks Schools

Congratulations to our Reflections participants on their original creative works! Dr. Sinanis Sup Herricks Schools Lily Ho

The Birthday Duck made its debut today! This is what aggressive happiness looks like! Lily Ho Dr. Sinanis Sup Herricks Schools Ms. Hersch

A huge thank you to members of the HMF for stopping on WORLD HIJAB DAY! Lily Ho Dr. Sinanis Sup Herricks Schools

Miss Kamali’s Dominick Tolipano learn all about Nonfiction at Shelter Rock Library. Thank you Mrs. Susan Shelter Rock Library

Ms. Hersch’s Super Bowl Bash has Kicked Off! Lily Ho Dr. Sinanis Sup Herricks Schools