Tropical Defaunation Hub
Interdisciplinary research hub @DICE_Kent funded by @LeverhulmeTrust to profile biodiversity in Indonesia. research.kent.ac.uk/defaunation @mattstruebig
ID: 1227352945915813893
11-02-2020 22:18:27
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What does it take for people to live in harmony with Komodo dragons? Our piece in Current Conservation now in online format, enjoy! MariaPanggur, Dr Simon Pooley currentconservation.org/living-in-harm…

Protected areas can lead to mixed outcomes for people 👩👩👧👦& forests🌳 in tropical countries. See our latest evaluation of >31,000 Indonesian villages 🌏in Conservation Letters , led by the amazing Courtney Morgans & Sophie Jago. DICE Kent UniversitasIndonesia Tropical Defaunation Hub 🧵/1

A rare footage of Tropical Defaunation Hub hub folks! Main reason I really enjoy my PhD here DICE Kent is all the supports and friendships from these amazing people! And congrats to Dr Katie Spencer the 1st PhD grad from Defaunation Hub!

Behold!! - the first Dr from the Tropical Tropical Defaunation Hub Hub has arrived! So proud of Katie Spencer for successfully navigating a pandemic PhD & defending it this week. More outputs on wildmeat, Kalimantan, sunbears soon... Another proud supervisor moment DICE Kent

It's such an honour to see our newly study got covered by Mongabay! Have a read for the popular summary of our study Matthew Struebig Nick Deere Marsya C. Sibarani Joe W Bull news.mongabay.com/2024/04/sumatr…

Mendanai peluang beasiswa PhD untuk mempelajari populasi babi hutan setelah ASF (Demam Babi Afrika) di Indonesia. Belajar 3,5 tahun di Inggris di @DICE_kent dengan Matthew Struebig & mitra di Jawa Orang Indonesia bisa menerapkan! Batas waktu 8 Januari