Deadson Johnson (@deadsonjohn) 's Twitter Profile
Deadson Johnson



ID: 1360582434522353671

calendar_today13-02-2021 13:32:13

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Deadson Johnson (@deadsonjohn) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"Parents out there, anyone’s kids play Roblox? Yesterday my son was playing, and I saw on the chat in the corner,someone was asking him to go to my purse,take out my credit card and read the numbers!! Roblox seems a dangerous place for kids. Thankfully he told me!"

"Parents out there, anyone’s kids play Roblox? Yesterday my son was playing, and I saw on the chat in the corner,someone was asking him to go to my purse,take out my credit card and read the numbers!! Roblox
 seems a dangerous place for kids. Thankfully he told me!"
Ihor Lachenkov (@igorlachenkov) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Russians filmed a terrible video of brutal beheading of a captured Ukrainian soldier. This is yet another monstrous crime of russian army and a violation of all conventions and moral principles of humanity. You have to realize that such thing should never happen in 21st century,…

land_in_the archive (@land_in_the) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I'm trans and I'm gay. Logan paul is my savior. Ksi is my favorite. I wanna watch Lil nas X. I like what's on the trending page. Pron is good. Beat my meat. Lock me down. Inject me. I'm gay trans and I am boosted. Fauci is my savior. Hillary is woke. She hulk is my favorite movie