Yasmin Tayag (@yeahyeahyasmin) 's Twitter Profile
Yasmin Tayag


Staff writer @theatlantic on food, health, science. Chaotic neutral, power forward, good cook. Rep: @aevitascreative 🇵🇭🇨🇦

ID: 120940911

linkhttp://www.yasmintayag.com calendar_today08-03-2010 02:00:45

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Evan McMurry (@evanmcmurry) 's Twitter Profile Photo

.Yasmin Tayag riding in like the 🧀 cavalry: “Perplexingly, large studies show no relationship between cheese consumption and weight gain. In some studies, for reasons that have yet to be explained, eating cheese is even linked to lower weight.” theatln.tc/zYO08wlv

.<a href="/yeahyeahyasmin/">Yasmin Tayag</a> riding in like the 🧀 cavalry: “Perplexingly, large studies show no relationship between cheese consumption and weight gain. In some studies, for reasons that have yet to be explained, eating cheese is even linked to lower weight.” theatln.tc/zYO08wlv
Yasmin Tayag (@yeahyeahyasmin) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hear me out: Maybe the best way to cut back on meat is....to eat more cheese. Not forever—just long enough to help us learn to love our veggies. Gratin, anyone? theatlantic.com/health/archive…

Lauren Pelley (@laurenpelley) 's Twitter Profile Photo

NEW: U.S. CDC is reporting a 4th human case of #H5N1 bird flu linked to the ongoing dairy cow outbreak, this time in a new state: Colorado. Previous cases were reported in Texas (1) and Michigan (2). Individual is a dairy farm worker, only had eye symptoms, and has recovered.

The Atlantic (@theatlantic) 's Twitter Profile Photo

On the debate stage, Joe Biden came across as largely frail and shaky. But on other days, he appears to be much more lucid. Scientists have a term for this: cognitive fluctuations. Yasmin Tayag reports: theatlantic.com/health/archive…

Yasmin Tayag (@yeahyeahyasmin) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I adore grocery stores—their sheer abundance of food is just so exuberant. But they're not as fun as they used to be, and they're only getting more somber. My latest for The Atlantic 🛒 theatlantic.com/health/archive…

Jane van Dis MD 🌎 (@janevandis) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The climate crisis' effects on agriculture will be a slow burn... items will disappear with little fanfare, prices will increase with a lot of fanfare "Stable weather is a major factor necessary to keep supermarkets well stocked" Yasmin Tayag theatlantic.com/health/archive…

Jeffrey Goldberg (@jeffreygoldberg) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"The magic of the supermarket is that it hides the inherent variability of agriculture. Every clamshell of arugula might look the same from season to season, even if the harvests differ dramatically." Smart piece from Yasmin Tayag: theatlantic.com/health/archive…

Yasmin Tayag (@yeahyeahyasmin) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A bird-flu pandemic isn't guaranteed, but the other options aren't great either. My latest for The Atlantic: theatlantic.com/health/archive…

The Atlantic (@theatlantic) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The last thing America needs right now is bird flu, Yasmin Tayag writes: “A supercharged bird virus with a taste for infecting mammals is not the kind of thing that should be left up to chance.” theatlantic.com/health/archive…

The Atlantic (@theatlantic) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The last thing America needs right now is bird flu, Yasmin Tayag writes: “A supercharged bird virus with a taste for infecting mammals is not the kind of thing that should be left up to chance.” theatlantic.com/health/archive…

The Atlantic (@theatlantic) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Yogurt has long been praised as a wholesome, nutritious food, Yasmin Tayag writes. But the line between this “elixir of the dairy aisle” and ice cream is a whole lot blurrier than you might think: theatlantic.com/health/archive…

The Atlantic Union (@theatlunion) 's Twitter Profile Photo

DEFEND THE ATLANTIC: (1 of 2) Our members are taking our fight to protect our work to the streets today, passing out fliers to let the public know: We are fighting for The Atlantic…

DEFEND THE ATLANTIC: (1 of 2) Our members are taking our fight to protect our work to the streets today, passing out fliers to let the public know: We are fighting for The Atlantic…
Yasmin Tayag (@yeahyeahyasmin) 's Twitter Profile Photo

It's tempting to think of all off-brand Ozempic as bad, but the reality is a lot murkier. Amid all the dangerous counterfeit drugs, there are also many legal dupes—and they aren't going away anytime soon. My latest for The Atlantic: theatlantic.com/health/archive…

The Atlantic (@theatlantic) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Obesity-drug shortages have led to a boom in risky alternatives. They may be impossible to stop, writes Yasmin Tayag. theatlantic.com/health/archive…

The Atlantic Union (@theatlunion) 's Twitter Profile Photo

As The Atlantic prepares for #TAF24, the company won’t agree to core protections in our contract. There's a gulf between the values that The Atlantic espouses onstage and what it’s willing to give its employees. We'll be at the festival, fighting for a fair contract.

As <a href="/TheAtlantic/">The Atlantic</a> prepares for #TAF24, the company won’t agree to core protections in our contract. There's a gulf between the values that The Atlantic espouses onstage and what it’s willing to give its employees. We'll be at the festival, fighting for a fair contract.