A multi-disciplinary, collaborative group dedicated to advancing the field of critical care research in the UK, improving patient outcome and care.
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http://www.ukccrg.org 25-03-2015 21:39:02
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Dr Mahendra G Patel OBE 🕉 is going to speak to us about inclusion and diversity in clinical trials next. #UKCCRF24 The Centre for Research Equity

James Sheehan Royal Surrey Anaesthesia, Guildford, UK recipient of the Intensive Care Society 💙 New Investigator Award explains his study starting soon. #UKCCRF24 UKCCRG

Grateful for the engaging discussions at #UKCCRF24 about our new project FEARLESS_ICU! Your encouragement and feedback mean a lot. 🙌 Follow us Brianne Wenning Shannon Katie Costello for updates! #teamwork #CriticalCare

Eczema impacts quality of life and adds significant costs for the NHS. New research, co-led by Miriam Santer, shows the Eczema Care Online website could provide big savings while also improving #eczema care. 👇 research.uhs.nhs.uk/news/eczema-we…

#UKCCRF24 was a fantastic conference. Thank you to all the speakers and attendees, and to the team in Southampton for organising. Cathrine McKenzie PhD FRPharmS Look forward to seeing you next time.

Position Paper on the Reporting of Norepinephrine... : Critical Care Medicine journals.lww.com/ccmjournal/ful… ▶️Norepinephrine dosage ▶️Toward a common language SCCM Anesthesiology Section ESICM Jan De Waele MD Ashish K. Khanna, MD,MS,FCCP,FCCM,FASA Patrick Wieruszewski Antonio Messina MD PhD Matthieu Legrand Siddharth Dugar MD FCCM,FCCM,FASE Prashant NASA

Delighted to announce our 2nd major trial result presentation for #CCR24 Michelle Kho (Michelle Kho, PT, PhD) from Hamilton, Canada, will present the results of CYCLE - A Randomized Clinical Trial of Early In-Bed Cycling for Mechanically Ventilated Patients Register at criticalcarereviews.com/meetings/ccr24

A "NEW" JOURNAL ON PUBMED NEJM Evidence is now indexed in #PubMed all 318 previously published articles (years 2022-2024) are now on Pubmed, including our pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38320047/ LauraPasin Stefano Fresilli Alberto Zangrillo San Raffaele Anesthesia and Intensive Care #FOAMcc #FOAMed #MedTwitter NEJM

📢UK ICU colleagues National service evaluation - Animal assisted interventions Please fill in this brief survey to tell us if you do/don't have any services, and share details many thanks forms.office.com/e/vV958XZKb9 Kate Tantam (She/her) Megan Hosey Intensive Care Society 💙 BACCN 💙 ACPRC

Intensive Care Society 💙 Kate Tantam (She/her) Megan Hosey UKCCRG SICS Welsh Intensive Care ACPRC BACCN 💙 please RT and circulate locally to help us gather as much information as we can about national animal-assisted intervention services in ICU thank you! forms.office.com/e/vV958XZKb9